We officially hit the beginning of our ridiculously busy holiday season this weekend which came at the end of our ridiculously busy pre-holiday season which came after a ridiculously busy whole year so really I am not even sure why I started this sentence... moving on.
We got the bikes back out this weekend... no my leg still isn't healed from last time but we hit the trails with people who bike regularly and found out that our previous ride on the beginner trail (according to the map) was slightly misguided because it was in fact NOT the beginner trail... lets just say this weekends riding was a LOT more fun and a LOT less scary for me. So no real injuries occurred (Uber did hurt his knee but he is going to have to do a lot more then that to get pity in these parts) however we did get to witness some lovely projectile vomiting from one of the guys who came... seriously mad skills on his part I honestly didn't know that much fluid could be stored in a person. And I wasn't the only one amazed so you know it was good!
Sunday we went to ' The Dirty Bird Thanksgiving: A Fowl Affair" gathering that a friend and his room mates were putting on. Seriously is that not the cutest name ever?! It was a total blast. They dug a pit in the front yard of a cool old house that they all rent in San Marco and cooked up Turkey, Goose, Duck, Game Hens and Quail. And just to clarify a few points for you guys the roof tiles were extras and the landlords do not like them.... oh and yes he did burn some of the hair off his arms!

And just for fun this dog was right about the coolest thing he was better at ping pong then the rest of us! He REALLY wanted that orange ball!
You kill me! That bird bake looks yummy! Should you mention food and projectile vomiting in the same post????? just askin.
7 days
I sooo want to try food cooked this way! Or deep fried turkey. I don't care for turkey either. WHen I say that people always say, "oh, but you havne't tried my turkey"!. I assure them that unless it's cooked different (i.e. grilled, smoked in the ground, fried, etc.Can you gridll a turkey?)It'll probably taste like everyone elses. Maybe different seasonings and some juicier than others but really, you can't bake a turkey too many different ways! We're going to a shin-dig tomorrow and I only hope it's as much fun as yours appeared to be:)
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