Making it to the car right before it starts to rain.
completing an organization project one closet = one hutch. I am loving this!
Trying something new. Well it wasn't an ACTUAL butcher we are still scouting for one of those but I am still excited to have a freezer full of meat for only $70 you can see some of what is in there but let me tell you it is way more meat then I could get at Publix for that price I should add it up to see the comparison but I haven't. It will be saving me alot of money though considering all the Publix meat I buy goes bad the next day (NO joke!!!)
Here's the first meal from the trip chicken with red potatoes, shallots, thyme, salt and pepper and a little bit of oil in the oven 400F for 1 1/2 hours... OH MY GOODNESS it was scrumptious. So far I am VERY happy with the meat. I am weird about meat (that is putting it lightly) this chicken had NO nasty poultry smell NONE it was juicy and just good. I think I may finally be appreciating chicken! (sorry mom)
I miss the beach!!!!!
If he is not a real butcher then what is he? Dinner looks great, sorry I missed it!
it's more like a direct distributor for the meat they only sold meat and it is fresh but they weren't cutting it up in the back
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