I am always trying to think of ways to make the house run MORE efficiently even though it isn't really necessary seeing as how we have quite a bit of space for two people. I really like to purge stuff out at least once a month. I always seem to find things I don’t really need which is amazing because I can honestly say that I don’t buy a lot, and also that the stuff I get rid of are old things we never haven't used (where they had been hiding I can't say). I am probably a minimalist, but I also really like the things I do have. That is my rule when I buy things I have to REALLY LIKE IT and feel like I will be happy with it for a LONG time. Ask Matt. I will seriously think over things for MONTHS it drives him up a wall he is like 'JUST BUY IT' and I am like 'but what if I don’t REALLY want it'…. the nice thing about this is usually by the time I make my decision the item is on sale… which makes me even happier (so what if matt is prematurely gray? It's distinguishing!)
So anyway I thought I would share with you one of the things that helps me feel more organized and run more efficiently. I am a list freak! I have a list for everything … well actually it is one list and is sub categorized. And I completely understand that lists aren't for everyone but if you do like the thought then this is how I set mine up.
To Do (errands to run/bills to pay ASAP)
pay Dr bill
pick up dry cleaning
To Get (anything I know I need to buy while I am out)
extension cord
2yds of linen
To Find (things I want to buy but haven't found)
Large Bowl
2x Lamps
baskets 18x16x10
Craft Projects (running list of projects I am or am planning on doing)
Owl Pillow
Lavender Sachets
House Projects (running list of projects I am doing now or soon)
Paint closet
organize paperwork
Long-term House Projects (things I would like to do at some point)
tile bathroom
clean/update Garage
Furniture to buy (list of things I am keeping an eye out for I may or may not know what I want)
gst rm chair
Kitchen (things/gadgets I want to buy, I am VERY picky about what I get bring in my kitchen so it takes me a while to find things)
pot lid rack
grill pan
Groceries (I try to always keep this up to date because I like shopping at multiple places and I never know when I might fit in a trip. )
diced tomatoes
bows pasta
pay Dr bill
pick up dry cleaning
To Get (anything I know I need to buy while I am out)
extension cord
2yds of linen
To Find (things I want to buy but haven't found)
Large Bowl
2x Lamps
baskets 18x16x10
Craft Projects (running list of projects I am or am planning on doing)
Owl Pillow
Lavender Sachets
House Projects (running list of projects I am doing now or soon)
Paint closet
organize paperwork
Long-term House Projects (things I would like to do at some point)
tile bathroom
clean/update Garage
Furniture to buy (list of things I am keeping an eye out for I may or may not know what I want)
gst rm chair
Kitchen (things/gadgets I want to buy, I am VERY picky about what I get bring in my kitchen so it takes me a while to find things)
pot lid rack
grill pan
Groceries (I try to always keep this up to date because I like shopping at multiple places and I never know when I might fit in a trip. )
diced tomatoes
bows pasta
You may think this is COMPLETELY over the top and well…it is. BUT if I am out I can run over the list and will know exactly what I need, also I add things like measurements so that if I find something I will know if it is the right size, I also add prices if I know what the item is going to cost(this is good for furniture or house projects), and when I am bored I can glance at it and see what I need to get done or what projects I already have laying around(this is good when I am about to go buy stuff and can instead stop and get old things done).
My favorite part about the list is marking things off. I love being able to look and see what I have gotten done.
Also I need to say that I have no issue ignoring the list. It does not bug me if I don’t get things done. I just like knowing that when I am ready everything I thought of is there, I don’t have to remember anything.
So now you can all laugh at me or run and hide… which ever suites you!
I will try to get more crafting up here soon but sadly I have to say nothing is anywhere near completion at the moment!
You are such a scary mixture of your dad and I and you yourself but I must say it makes up a really awesome person! I know you probably don't remember my list making cause I make fun of you now... but one of my things was to have my shopping list made up by aisles in the grocery store.
BTW... I tagged you on your last post, pay attention.
BTW I'm tired and an idiot and didn't see you had in fact payed attention and already played the game.
I love you!!!!
I am a list whore too! So is my sister. When I travel I make a couple of lists. WHen I need to bring something to work, I make a list. I have so many pieces of paper stacked under the monitor of lists! SO I understand and like you all the more:)
I LOVE to organize. When I worked, that was my specialty and people took advantage of it, but I didn't mind cuz I LIKED it...LISTS are my friends, couldn't get by without them. I like having a little notebook thingie to make list AND NOTES too. Maybe the notes can be listed at a list?!?!? I am finding now that I might forget to look at the list....that is not a helpful thing, but, I got my list...
Have you heard of flylady.com? You would LOVE it! Or maybe it's too tame for you....
I've heard of her I have tried to look at her website but it seems a little unorganized to me!! haha
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