Thursday, March 31, 2011

So... I made fabric...

Mums been on my case to try it out so when I saw that Michael Miller had teamed up with Spoonflower I decided I might as well try and enter the contest. Unfortunately I didn't get chosen to be in the top 75 but I thought I would share my design with you because it was a really fun process. I titled it 'A Day at the Zoo' it includes 23 different animals that are commonly found at the zoo. The fun part for me was I wanted all of the animals to be drawn to scale it was interesting to see how all of them measured to each other since penguins and giraffes don't often hang out together...  
 I know the resolution on this is terrible - so you can also go here to check it out. We are planning on printing it up and making something- just need to figure out what.

I'll probably take the rest of the week off. I have a sinus infection and am pretty useless at the moment!

** I just realized Kara made it to the 75 which is SO awesome! Go check it out and vote!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Toadstool Terrarium part 2

I made my first one back in January... who knew it would take this long to make another! This could seriously be addictive if only I had the time to be addicted! 
 The photo above was taken with a light box- which mum and I finally ordered and is really awesome (though this is my first time using it and I only had one light ... and really no idea what I was doing)
 This one is not in a light box... because I was to lazy to get it out at this point... and below on the shelf above our dinning room table where it will live. It still need to do something with the three jars on the bottom shelf ... it will probably include felt but I don't think it will be a terrarium...
 And here's a shot of Micah (totally unedited as far as I know) a friend took this picture at the wedding. Look at those eyes! This little booger is almost 6 months old and he is all sort of mischievous already!
I have something fun to show you tomorrow... though I will probably post a little later in the day then normal...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Wedding Signature Picture

Remember this wedding invite? Well they didn't have time to use my graphic for the invites but they did end up using it at the wedding. We had it printed onto an 18"x 24" canvas 
Which they had all of the guests sign 
 The ADORABLE couple (his Dad did the ceremony)
 The wedding turned out sooo beautiful ! It was a backyard wedding, the house sits on a lake in a golf course community and it was so nice- the little lake even had an alligator that swam around- AWESOME! The bride had 1000 cranes strung up.
 And the beautiful cake (via Cinotti's Bakery)

 And the car ... because it just makes me laugh!
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Miniature Pennant Garland

This yummy garland is up in the shop

I would love to keep it but we are not a pink household... : (

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Day

I had an awesome birthday! Uber took the day off and we 'slept in' - not really Micah wanted to be up! So we loaded up the truck
 and headed out for a bike ride to try out my new shoes and clips... I only fell over once... it kind of hurts but it was rather funny it's like slow motion as you tip over...especially since I wasn't moving.... My right clip was too tight so I couldn't get my foot out. Anyway there will be no scarring from this fall so whatever!
 I thought you might be interested in seeing the trail. A lot of it is canopied it's really very pretty it goes for 14 miles and is all paved (it used to be train tracks) you pass all sorts of farm animals- though I didn't think to take pictures of them. It was gorgeous today but in the summer it will be too hot to ride.  We went about 10 miles - long enough to be fun but not to wear you out.
 Micah enjoys it as long as his toys are reachable
 Uber would rather be off road biking but he is nice enough to take this easy trail so that Micah and I can tag along! He tried taking Micah off the paved road last time and Micah is not into it! It was rather funny Micah protested until he was back on the paved road and then he settled back down.
 Next we came home and cleaned up and headed to the beach. Not for a long time just long enough to relax and enjoy the view
 This is the roof top deck of the Casa Marina Hotel it has gorgeous views.
 Then we headed over to Mum and Dads where Uber made me a ridiculously awesome dinner. Beef Saltimboca, Roasted Potatoes, Salad... so yummy in fact I need to go make myself a plate of left overs! And there was cake! Chocolate with Espresso frosting Mum hooked it up!
It was such a fun day! Possibly my best birthday ever. Between Uber and Micah and quite a bit of my family being here. And my gifts were all together ridiculous. Is it rude to tell everyone all of the awesome stuff you received? I'm not sure so I'll hold off and maybe show you some of the awesomeness over the next few days as I get to use it!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A little bit of Zebra

Micah's room has a new addition- an awesome Zebra stained glass piece that my Dad made (and I am pretty sure is his original design) before I was born they've been lugging it around for years all packed up so I had them pull it out of the attic and Uber built it a frame and then Dad stained it for me. 
 It's really hard to get a picture of it- but I LOVE it!
It's so fun to have something this awesome just packed away waiting for you to use!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Fort Clinch

Saturday we headed up to Amelia Island to check out Fort Clinch. We've lived here 5 1/2 years and visited this area quite a bit and never new it existed until just recently- which is so weird! We lucked out as they were having their living history day (we had no idea when we went and I guess it only happens twice a year). It was fun but already getting to be rather hot so I can't imagine visiting this place in the summer! 

 These buildings are awesome! I would so love to live in one - of course I would require an A/C installed!
 Can you imagine this being your living room? I want this ceiling!
 They had a band (would it be called a band?) whatever there were about 7 guys playing period music (think Gettysburg) and they were pretty good so that was cool.
 Family picture, Micah's chewing his elephants head off...
 Micah was so good! We went to check out the beach and pier and he stuck his feet in the ocean- which was COLD and he managed to be happy through all of it! Mum has additional pictures that I haven't gotten from her yet so maybe she will post them for you!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kitchen Improvement

This wine rack has bugged me since we moved in. Yes I selected for it to be there (though honestly I have no idea why) but I never expected it to be all awkwardly up high like that and 5 years into living with it, it's become clear that it is completely useless we usually put a bunch of San Pellegrino up there for decoration and it all just collects dust and is a total pain to clean. Yesterday when I was deep cleaning the kitchen I realized that the wine rack is just held in with little finishing nails... awesome! 
So I talked to Uber about it and asked him to rip it out. But when I got up this morning I realized... who needs him! So I did it myself and I LOVE it! I have always wanted a book shelf in the kitchen and have been trying to figure out ways to put one in ... duh! I would still like to do something with the awkward space below the cabinet but for now I am extremely happy with this improvement.
P.S. Why can't I decide on a fabric and make myself a kitchen aide cover- so irritating!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lumbar Pillow

I've been trying to add a little more pattern to our living room so I whipped up this little lumbar pillow
The fabric is from Anna Maria Horner's Little Folks line.  
These two are so funny. I am going to be in so much trouble soon!