Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lumbar Pillow

I've been trying to add a little more pattern to our living room so I whipped up this little lumbar pillow
The fabric is from Anna Maria Horner's Little Folks line.  
These two are so funny. I am going to be in so much trouble soon! 


  1. Love your pillow!

    Love those boys too. You are in BIG trouble!!

  2. Very cool pillow Jess.

    Your boys! You have a lot of FUN ahead of you. FUN = BIG trouble......

    That Micah!!!! Makes my heart jump.

  3. I just added to my "list" new pillows for around the house. Many of ours have been around since the beginning of our marriage (8 years ago!) Nice work!

  4. Thats it... your birthday gift is soo getting returned!

  5. I love that pillow. The love the material. I love the picture of Matt and Micah. Mom had taken one of me and Dawn back when I was that age, except for we were watching TV.

  6. We just got that fabric in! I love the color combo you used.
