Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Day

I had an awesome birthday! Uber took the day off and we 'slept in' - not really Micah wanted to be up! So we loaded up the truck
 and headed out for a bike ride to try out my new shoes and clips... I only fell over once... it kind of hurts but it was rather funny it's like slow motion as you tip over...especially since I wasn't moving.... My right clip was too tight so I couldn't get my foot out. Anyway there will be no scarring from this fall so whatever!
 I thought you might be interested in seeing the trail. A lot of it is canopied it's really very pretty it goes for 14 miles and is all paved (it used to be train tracks) you pass all sorts of farm animals- though I didn't think to take pictures of them. It was gorgeous today but in the summer it will be too hot to ride.  We went about 10 miles - long enough to be fun but not to wear you out.
 Micah enjoys it as long as his toys are reachable
 Uber would rather be off road biking but he is nice enough to take this easy trail so that Micah and I can tag along! He tried taking Micah off the paved road last time and Micah is not into it! It was rather funny Micah protested until he was back on the paved road and then he settled back down.
 Next we came home and cleaned up and headed to the beach. Not for a long time just long enough to relax and enjoy the view
 This is the roof top deck of the Casa Marina Hotel it has gorgeous views.
 Then we headed over to Mum and Dads where Uber made me a ridiculously awesome dinner. Beef Saltimboca, Roasted Potatoes, Salad... so yummy in fact I need to go make myself a plate of left overs! And there was cake! Chocolate with Espresso frosting Mum hooked it up!
It was such a fun day! Possibly my best birthday ever. Between Uber and Micah and quite a bit of my family being here. And my gifts were all together ridiculous. Is it rude to tell everyone all of the awesome stuff you received? I'm not sure so I'll hold off and maybe show you some of the awesomeness over the next few days as I get to use it!


  1. Happy late birthday Jess! So glad you had a wonderful day.

    I too fell over on a bike before. We were riding the tandem and all of the sudden I was slowly, falling over while still attached to the bike. Honestly it looked like Allen was grinning as I was going dooooowwwwwnnnnn!

    Anyhow, you're right about it being to hot and (buggy) later on. Now is the time to take advantage of the outdoors! And that little Micah is so adorable! Love his smile!!!

  2. LOVE the last picture of you and happy boy! All the pictures are great; it looks like a perfect special day for everyone. And the dinner! Oh my word, could it get any better? I for one want to see your b-day treasures. You can include happy boy in them too! Shorts, eating outside??? Really????

  3. Looks like the pefect way to spend your birthday!

  4. Oh, how fun! Although I'm not sure how biking on your birthday isn't considered work... you outdoorsy types baffle me... :) If you got something super cool I say share it! Especially if it's something crafty!

  5. Hi, I've never posted here before, but I used to work with your mom in Stuttgart. I love your blog. You and your mom are so inspiring! Can I ask what kind of bike tailer you have? I'm wanting to get one, but can't decide what to get.
    Glad you had a great birthday!

  6. Margaret I posted an answer on your blog since I couldn't find you email- hope you see it!

  7. Happy Late Birthday! I think I could do the bike rides on flat land. Might actually be fun!
