Thursday, July 14, 2011

So we were on vacation...

which would explain my absence from commenting on your blogs - I'm still not caught up!
Anyway, we took Micah on his first airplane ride and headed to Sacramento for a little over a week.
 He was a fantastic flyer. For the most part he just conked out but on our last flight back he was awake almost the whole time and just played quietly... I was SO nervous he would decide to be a screamer!
His favorite part about the plane ride was the air. If we turned it on he would stand up and shove his face in the air stream and squeal and laugh (we didn't want him being loud though so we had to turn it off) but it got the same reaction every time-weirdo!
 I know this picture is too dark... can't seem to make it any better in Photoshop oh well... but this is us over Las Vegas
 We visited LOTS of family! Cousins, second Cousins (and maybe 3rd? that's all confusing)
 This is Aunt Rhonda's  house... Micah LOVED the pool! She was visiting us and left the day Micah was born.
 Uncle George
 Great Grandpa (on Uber's side)
 Great Grandma (on my side)
 Paul who was the main reason for this trip. He had his 90th birthday while we were there. Which was so fun- he is a regular at Hometown buffet so he reserved half of the restaurant and had a ventriloquist and magician preform. I hope everyone has someone like him in their life!
Ubers Brother and niece
 Uber's parents
 We played with poppers until it was dark enough to shoot off fireworks
 This is one of my favorite pictures - This is my cousin Corrie, Sherie's daughter.
This is Ubers parents and his moms sister...

Aren't you glad I introduced you to everyone?! Anyway I will try to be back tomorrow with pictures from our mini vacation inside the vacation...


  1. Looks like you had a fantastic time. I can see why he liked the pool it looks fab!

  2. Welcome back! Cool that you got to see so many people!

  3. Yay California-tripping! I was totally nervous that Peter would decide to be a screamer too, but he did just fine on our CA trip. Of course he did less well when my husband wasn't there during our most recent trip. Of course.

  4. Love the one of him and the air; I would think that the people around him would have enjoyed him doing that for the whole trip, I would have! he is soooo funny. That boy has so much personality!

  5. So glad you had a great time! Even though I missed you much....
