Friday, July 15, 2011

Fort Bragg and Mendocino

We drug Ubers parents on a quick 3 day mini vacation out to the coast. I really wanted to get Micah to the water... not that he will remember or anything but we took a ton of pictures... I tried to narrow it down but this is a picture heavy post. 
 The first day we headed out to Fort Bragg it was a gorgeous clear warm day- totally not what we packed for it should have been cold.
 We went to two beaches the first was Glass Beach - it used to be a dump but it has been cleaned out and now there is massive quantities of super small glass pebbles. I spent at little time searching out blues and even found a red one- I could spend hours doing this, I try to get glass at every beach I go to ... it's Ubers favorite thing! If you ever get the chance this beach though small was a lot of fun.
 I loved this plant it was growing everywhere, it's vivid colors are beautiful. my dad informed me it's ice plant.
 Mum says it looks like I Photoshoped us into this picture...
 You really can't beat the beauty of Northern California's Coast
 Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this picture?? (Hint: one of these things is not like the others)
 Why didn't I climb up there? Oh that's right I was to busy looking for glass...
The following pictures are at MacKerricher's State Park where we went to play in the tide pools... because everyone knows I love to pet small defenseless animals...
 Here's Micah dipping his feet in the chilly (ridiculously cold) water... he didn't seem to mind a bit (of course he didn't try to lunge into the water like normal either)
 This is the tide in the first day we were there
 The next morning we were out at 10am for low tide Uber and I took Micah out to see what we could find
 We saw quite a few star fish but this was the only one I was fast enough to get
 Sea Anemone
 Almost got this guy he managed to get two fingers stuck at the tips...
 My favorite find was this sea urchin. It's so weird how they dry out! It's currently on the back porch ... I can't wait until it stops smelling!
 SEA SLUG! Seriously how gross is this?
 This is how Micah traveled through the tide pools
 It was only a little nerve racking...
 What's up with this face?!
 This is the Point Cabrillo Lighthouse, absolutely gorgeous. You can even rent the light keepers cottage as a vacation home.

 Micah enjoyed popping all of the daisy heads off the flowers.
 Well I guess this is the only Mendocino picture we really took. It looks gorgeous (and it was) but there was dense fog so if you looked out to the headlands and ocean you could see nothing but directly across the street from the bluff was beautiful... I guess we will just have to go back again because the area is beautiful and I would love to see it on a clear day!
One more post and I will wrap up the trip... then crafting I promise!


  1. Love seeing all the pictures again. I love Fort Bragg and the coast in that area. I'm glad you got to go and see how beautiful it is. That is a great memory.

  2. Gorgeous photographs. I always look for sea glass wherever I go but not many beaches I've been to have it. Do you make anything with what you collect?

  3. Love seeing all the pictures! And especially love seeing Micah! He is such a cutie!!!

  4. Looks like you had so much fun! LOVE that glass beach!

  5. Fort Bragg is one of my favorite places on earth! I used to camp at MacKerricher's State Park every summer when I was a kid with my grandparents. It's so beautiful there!

  6. A DUCK?! DO I win? Your pictures are beautiful...and that kid is so stinking cute. I hope I get awesome vacation pictures next week...very pretty.

  7. Hi! Thanks for the follow! You said it right - you just can't beat the California coast. I went there last year.

  8. That's not an anemone - it's a dead sea urchin. And I hope you didn't take that bat star - they're protected and should be left where they are.

  9. Thanks for the correction- I have no idea why I called it the wrong thing!
    I absolutely would never take anything alive off of the beach, that would be wrong even if it weren't protected.
