Monday, May 23, 2011

Playing catch up ... again

 Micah wants to show you his teeth 
(though I must admit they are a lot farther along now then this picture)
 We took him on his first kayak ride 
 It wasn't long but he seemed to enjoy it
 I enjoyed not having to pretend like I was helping

 unfortunately a crazy storm blew in and we all had to vacate the beach ... see the guy in the background? The wind and sand was out of control
 Uncle Kris came out for a visit-if you hadn't picked up on that- Micah and him had a blast
 He is now known as Mega Me... 
 Their similar expressions are uncanny
 And for all of you who don't have a beach near here's a gratuitous dolphin shot 
 And a fresh from a swim baby eating his first Ritz cracker
 And one for the road -- who knew the car seat could fit in the mini? 
Hope you all had wonderful weekend!


  1. Love the baby post...the first picture reminds me of a baby bird waiting for mommie to pop in the food. He and Kris do have similar expressions! Love the cracker one, his little toes are so cute all curled up. Love the tummy! Looks like a very fun weekend.

  2. That storm was awful!

    Love the mini me/mega me shots!

  3. Cute, cute, cute! Even Kris! But then, Micah can make anyone around him look cute too! ;-)

    Car seat in a mini... who'd have thunk.....

  4. Love that boy. Can't wait to see you guys.
