Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Night Fireworks at the Baseball Game

We took Mum, Dad and Micah to their first Suns Baseball game this last weekend but first we stopped by the Burrito Gallery - which was seriously delicious I would like to know why I had never heard of this place before! 
We had to entertain/torture Micah while we were waiting for out food...

 I think Micah enjoyed himself
 hanging out with Grandpa
 taking a nap on Grandma
 being shocked that the Suns actually pulled out a win in the last seconds of the game...
 Funny story- Micah was sitting on ubers lap when the game winning home run ball came down a foot in-front of them- Uber caught it in his hat but it bounced back out again ... of course another guy grabbed it... but seriously how crazy is that!
 he definitely enjoyed his first fireworks show
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! See you next week!


  1. So cute. He looks like a little DJ in those headphones. Looks like you all had a fun time out.

  2. I love seeing happy family memories! Made my day!

  3. Great pictures, fun weekend! Love the one - being shocked that the Suns actually pulled out a win in the last seconds of the game... I can see his hair and those cheeks!

  4. Great idea with the headphones. That probably would have helped my boy get through his early fears of fireworks. Looks like it was a great fun day!

  5. Jackson and Gabby love going to the baseball games. He looked like he was having fun.
