Thursday, July 29, 2010

Did you think I would give up on the deer head?

Back on the inspiration board I posted for the nursery I had a deer head that zgalleries carries, unfortunately when I saw it in person the fantastic price showed in the quality of the item.... total let down (I love zgalleries though so no hard feelings)
I went through a bunch of ideas on how to make one and couldn't find a solution that I was sure I would be happy with -then I saw this nursery post and knew that was it. She actually got hers from here (there are none currently for sale). I of course decided to just make mine...
I finally sat down and got started today. I was amazed it didn't take me long I started working on it this morning and finished up this evening. That included a bunch of breaks and a trip out to Michael's to get the things I didn't have on hand.... I wish all projects went this quickly...and smoothly! So the pictures aren't the best but I just had to share tonight so you'll have to deal until later. It isn't even hanging in the nursery so the walls are totally the wrong color- I think she will look a lot better on a light blue wall!
It is in fact a doe... Uber says he doesn't mind so I am not going to worry about it! I probably could have added antlers but I really liked it without them!
She's a little bit snotty in expression but that just makes me laugh...

Her body is linen (big surprise) and the inside of her ears are a duponi silk. Almost everything on her is stuff I already had on hand I only spent $15 to make her. The most expensive thing was her nose... I went ahead and used a leather scrap... I probably should have just used felt but oh well!
Her eyelashes crack me up...
The plaque is Gun Metal Gray.
I LOVE ribbon... I hope it doesn't make it look too girly I just could not pass up the beautiful peacock blue ribbon when I saw it. All of the ribbon reminds me of a military uniform
I am really excited about the way it turned out. I hadn't made a stuffed animal before and was a little nervous about totally making up the pattern but I have to say it was super simple.
Hopefully I will be able to show you more of the nursery in the next month... no promises though... it's kind of boring at this point I have a lot of things done but not enough to be interesting. I will continue to show you the projects I do complete which will start giving you sneak peaks at different parts of the room...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Custom Kitchen Aid Cover

Because it's one of the things I've been up to... here's a peak at a Kitchen Aid cover I just finished- it's already on it's way to it's owner! Love that!

And I am super happy to say that I FINALLY wrote the pattern and tutorial for this! So as soon as it is proofed I will be putting it up in the shop!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Baby MAC's Growth Folio... Maybe

I still haven't decided if I will be keeping this chart or making an embroidered version like this. But since I just completed it I figured I would show it to you! It has all of Uber's favorite picks on it.
This picture is terrible-- I just don't have the energy to retake it! But it gives you the general idea....
Close ups--
I so want this guy for real! He looks so squeezable!

Along with something new he requested! Who doesn't like woodpeckers?

Anyway I will let you know if I decide to put it in the shop... For now it's going to sit up in the nursery!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Baby MAC's Quilt

I finished this up Friday afternoon and I am SOOOO happy to have it completed!
Linen and shirting fabric make up the patchwork on the front
The back is baby wale corduroy in brown with blue polka-dots, so soft and yummy!
The 3 Sea Turtles are appliqued and then hand embroidered.
The quilting is just two alternating blue heavy duty embroidery floss running stitches spaced about an inch apart. I love the look this gives the quilt.

I had SO much fun making up the design (not the quilt pattern or anything I know that's been done...haha) and putting the quilt together. Though I definitely wont be doing another one for a while!
The Nursery isn't going to be turtle themed though. Hopefully I will be showing you more of that project soon! Meanwhile you get bits and pieces!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Shabby Daisy Designs

Completed logo number 2 for the week!!

I am so pleased with the way this one turned out! I did this for someone I went to high school with she will be opening up her Etsy store shortly...
Next up --hopefully-- will be baby MAC's completed quilt... hoping to have it done in the next day or so....

Sunday, July 18, 2010

LRC Designs

Another logo completed!
Just thought I would share. I will have another one to show you soon... I've been busy!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I've been busy making this
Into this
The shop is now restocked with garland... more than I ever planned to make! So hopefully I won't be doing this again any time soon!!
I added three new kinds this time too-

Also I made this Blueberry Loaf last night and I am in LOVE. It is so so so so good that the whole thing is almost gone, and it was a very large loaf. I even used frozen blueberries (well I had personally frozen them but still SOOOO good!) I am going to be adding a link to my recipe page so I never loss the link!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thank you's

I have been all about trying new things lately!

My mum brought me a speed ball stamp carving kit last summer and I never got around to trying it out because I couldn't for the life of me make a decision on what to carve... ridiculous right? I mean it's not like I couldn't just buy more plastic (or whatever) to carve!

So when I got back from California and was trying to decide exactly how I wanted to do my thank you notes for the shower I decided to try making a stamp. It is SO MUCH FUN! I let Uber choose the animal I didn't try and make one up or anything I just had a bunch of graphics from the Internet and he chose the Walrus - which I love! Under it I put the babies initials MAC, though we still haven't picked a definite name for the baby we do know we will be sticking with Ubers initials. So hopefully this stamp will continue to be useful in the future!
I don't usually use stamps so after much indecision (yes I have a lot of this) I chose a chalk blue ink... I expected it to show up much darker
It actually is much more visible in person but for what ever reason I can not get it to photograph without disappearing into the back ground. Bummer... I'll just have to buy more colors!!

I am totally and completely in love with the stamp though. I can't wait to think up more things to carve!
Hopefully it won't take me a year this time!

Friday, July 9, 2010


I finally got to try my hand at felting on my trip. I raided Sherie's amazing stash of roving and was able to start on a project you will be seeing more of in the future (hopefully).
These are actually in the wrong order. This beluga whale was my second project. I LOVE him! Personally I don't understand why people go on and on about dolphins, belugas are where it's at!
My first try was this little sea horse.
Here's the two together. I definitely got my scaling a little off but I think it is going to be ok... maybe there are giant sea horses... you know so that the mermaids can ride them...

This is absolutely addictive! I had a feeling it would be neat but I didn't really realize how fun it would be- even when you forget to put your gloves on and stab yourself! I put in an order with Mum for a massive quantity of felt.... Uber may have me commited if he finds my stash of wool felt... as long as he lets me take it with though no one will get hurt!
I have a LOT of ideas I can't wait to work on!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Well before I show you what I've been up to I wanted to VERY belatedly post a picture of the absolutely gorgeous necklace Adrienne put together for me a few months ago (she has much better photos of it on her blog) I LOVE it and she did an wonderful job putting it together. Thank you Adrienne! Sorry it took so long for me to say something!
My last day in California my Aunt Sherie took my Grandma and me to a bead store in downtown Sacramento called The Bead Fetish it was AMAZING definitely the best bead store I have ever been in to. SO MANY THINGS to tempt me, and the staff was so friendly! I ended up getting supplies for two necklaces..they had a whole room devoted to stone beads...

Smokey Quartz I've been wearing this almost everyday since I put it together. Its super versatile. Reminds me of swarovski.
The second necklace was the I want it all necklace -I couldn't decide between a few different stones so I just decided to mix them all into one necklace. I think it turned out pretty neat.
It's made up of Tigers Eye in both green and brown and then the drop is turquoise.

And one more a fun bracelet to replace one I lost. I bought the supplies for this one at The Bead Shoppe in Folsom- which is still my favorite place to pick out swarovski beads. Hopefully this will fulfill my bead cravings until I can make it back out there again!