Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Uber's crafty

This wall has been bothering me forever.  It's very frustrating to have all of your furniture purchased and still feel like your space looks unfinished. We have 9 ft ceilings in our downstairs and something was needed above the TV. 
I had saved a few images for inspiration-  (sorry I don't know where the top one is from) 
  And asked Uber super nicely if he would build me something, lucky we had a bunch of scrap molding in the garage from old projects so this was a great way to clear some of it out. I think this project ended up costing about $9.  
 Here it is close up. I did distress it ... but apparently not enough to really show. What made it even better was the next Pottery Barn catalog I received in the mail had this $400 version which seems a little ridiculous to me but I was super happy to show it to Uber so he could see what an awesome job he did.
 And here is the wall as it looks now. We raised the TV up about 5 inches since we both had never been happy with the height and I switched out the picture for this mirror.
 I'm not done accessorizing yet but I'm slowly working on it. The giraffe by the way is Ubers gift to Micah from a recent trip to Central America.
I have a bunch more house projects to show you so stay tuned!


  1. Love the giraffe it was the first thing I noticed!

  2. He did such a fantastic job! I loved the wall before but I LOVE it better now.

  3. Wow! Great job to Uber! What vision! (jess) What technique! (Uber)
    What a great combination! ;-)

  4. What a great job. Love the giraffe and the mirror. It is so fun to see the projects that the two of you come up with. What is next???

  5. Very nice! And way to go on the $$ savings! What's going up there?

  6. You found the perfect guy to complement your crafty-ness.

  7. really cool! I want to see it accessorized! Does it weigh a ton?
