Friday, May 27, 2011

Ribbon Storage

 We're still working on getting Mum's sewing room completely organized. This last weekend I made her get rid of her old ribbon storage ... it had no where to go in her new room. So I came up with this fast solution that uses the space behind her door 
Here's what we used
 Mark the center of each finial tip
 drill out a guide hole for your hook 
 screw in the hook
 I used a piece of fabric to protect the hook and pliers to make the job easier
 Using a level mark 1 to 2 inches in from either side of your dowel 
 Drill, insert anchor and screw in your finial
 fill up your dowels with your ribbon collection and hang
 The supplies for the two rows ran only $12 (she will be needing more rows)  
 Which seemed like a good deal to me since I paid more then that for half the storage for the system I bought from Michaels
Now if we could just get the rest of the room organized that fast!


  1. Thanks for trying to get me straightened up. I love my new ribbon holders!!

  2. love this idea! And behind the door is even better! can't wait to see your room when done corinnea! get on it woman!

  3. it let me post a comment finally!

  4. I think that finial idea is just so clever! I love the simple beauty of the whole project!

    Such the clever girl! ;-)
