Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lots of firsts-- Easter weekend

WARNING - Super long picture overload post for last weekend

We're going to work backwards... because Easter seems like it should come first!
I was totally a slacker for Micah's first Easter I will probably be one of those Moms that goes a little over board on holidays but until he will really remember it I figure I will just save my energy. So the only reason we even dyed eggs was because Grandma remembered to buy stuff. 
Micah sucked on them-which covered his face in dye... oops! 
This is my favorite picture it reminds me of Smeagol on Lord of the Rings... my pretty!
He totally looks like he is dancing here.
Saturday was our first hang out at the beach day. We took Micah on his first Ferry ride it's all of about 5 minutes which to me seems like the perfect amount of time! 
 I don't know why he made the face in the picture above but it cracked us up- he was super happy as you can see below!
 Here's our little shark at the beach - Mum picked up a half tent that rocks! Micah is finally sitting up by himself - for short periods of time - he had just fallen over.
 This child has no fear he thought the water was awesome 

 His Dad even took him out an let him bob around (which made some of us a little nervous)
 But Micah will let you know if he's not down
 When he was thoroughly worn out he went up and napped with his Grandma. She is a good pillow. 
Friday night we went over to have out first dinner at Micah's Great Grandmas house. I don't think we've said anything about it but they just moved to the area. Micah has his own seat in the corner
 He loves visiting. Sadie (the dog) loves being pet - I have a video I will upload at some point to show you!
Can you believe that chin?!
Alright well I must get my day started! Hope you all enjoyed your weekends!


  1. Jessica thank you sooo much for blogging totally about that baby boy. He is growing too quickly! I love seeing his many faces.

  2. Looks like you all had a great Easter weekend! Great pictures!

  3. looks like you had a really ncie time. WHat was the weather like? I mean how hot was it? that baby boy is too cute. I love seeing pictures of him. ADORABLE!!

  4. Jennifer- I'm not sure 90's? Hot but not oppressive.

  5. Ha ha ha! Just reading your answer to Jennifer makes me laugh. I know she's thinking 90's? Not oppressive?? What ever!..... It wasn't though, really, because there was a nice breeze.

    Loved hanging out with you guys!

  6. Love the pictures. That one is so funny. He looks like he's thinking..."did you say you were takin' my egg, I don't think so." I have got to get back there to pinch him!
