Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chalkboard Paint = hours of fun

I have a few  plans to update our house this year- just fun smaller things to spice things up a little since I am home all day. The first thing I wanted to work on was our entry way which I have never really done anything with. It's pretty small so there isn't much that can be done but it went from this:
 To this:
I used chalkboard paint to make the area a little more interesting. Below the cork cork board I also put a few layers of magnet paint so now the fridge magnet letters can be used here as well. I drew birch trees on the one wall but I plan to switch it up through out the year... or really just when every I feel like a change. Also I bought chalk markers which write on the walls much better than just plain chalk and they don't come off unless you use water- so no worries about someone brushing the wall and being covered in dust. 
 This is behind the front door Mum and I found this fantastic HUGE mirror at Home Goods for a ridiculously low price- I have been looking for a mirror for here forever and hadn't found anything I loved and was affordable. The frame is really neat. And now I can get one last peak at what a mess I am before I leave the house.
 A better view of the cork board/magnet wall. That is Micah's silhouette down there, his grandparents traced him!
 So another room that has been bugging me for a while is this small half bath its very narrow which makes putting artwork on the big wall that you face when you walk in difficult because it feels like its in your personal space- Excuse the OLD photo I forgot to take a before so this is a pre new flooring photo!
 Chalk board paint now covers this wall to- so yeah i am totally embracing the writing on stall walls look in here. Weird - probably but it's a lot of fun.
 And anyone is welcome to add decorations - infact the walls are a lot more decorated now than when I took this picture. I figure I will wait until it is filled up and then think about erasing and starting over.
 Here's a view of the other side of the room. It's just impossible to get decent photos!
And if you have ever wondered  it may not seem possible but you can in fact fit 3 adults and a baby in this room.... 

I know this look wont be for every one but it has been fun for us and a quick coat of paint will put it all back to normal if I should get bored with it-- that's what I had to tell Uber when he walked in from a business trip to see half painted black walls in his house... I realized I hadn't really run the project by him... SURPRISE! But he ended up really liking it so I guess it is a good thing I forgot to ask because talking him into it would have been hard (apparently)


  1. So glad I get to live near you. You're lots of fun! I love, love, love everything.

  2. That chalk board paint is such fun! Wait until Micah can crawl and join in...and then you having to redecorate the house because he doesn't understand that he's only supposed to be writing on the black walls with chalk, not the other walls with marker lol

    I remember being a pre-schooler and my mum and brother were painting the bathroom. I said I did lots of painting at play school and would help. They turned round to find out I'd put art all over walls with gloss paint. I had no idea that painting on walls meant just up and down brush strokes not little people, trees and animals. :-)

  3. omg that looks insanely FANTASTIC! i love it!

  4. I really love it! Especially the thing about using chalk markers. Great idea! I have a large stick-on chalk thing that I should use those on (b/c we rent and can't paint :(....ahhh someday I will have my own walls to decorate as I please).

  5. you have received an award from me (even two!) for all your great creations, for your tallent and for being an inspiration.

    if you want to play along, visit my blog and check the award! :)


  6. How fun! And I had no idea there were chalk markers! That is SO much better than regular ol' chalk! I'm thinking I wish I could do something like this in my house. But, I have old textured plaster walls. It just wouldn't work. Although, my half bath has smooth walls..... Hmmmmmm


  7. Jess, that is AWESOME!!!!!! I love it!!! And using markers instead of chalk is a great idea. Very very cool!!!

  8. Like the commenter Jessica said, I will someday have my own house one day and can do this too! I have saved MANY magazine pages over the years with this same idea (usually in the kitchen but I like your idea better!) What are the chalk markers??

  9. This is the brand of Chalk Markers I am using--


    I bought them at Michaels they are in the painting/canvas section- the employees had no idea what I was talking about so incase you run into the same problem!

    I have also heard that there is dustless chalk but personally I want the markers...

  10. i love both of the locations you chose to use it- look awesome!!! we have a wall in our kitchen, but a half bath could be fun!!!

  11. Putting it in the bathroom - so original. I think that's a great idea. Plus the walls in my powder room always get sprinkled with water, and if the walls were chalkboard - who would care? So great.

  12. Looks Great! I was pondering putting a chalkboard wall in my half bath too!

  13. Fantastic chalkboard walls! I love them both. Thanks for linking them to my chalkboard party.

