Thursday, January 13, 2011

Norma's Logo

While my Grandma was visiting she commissioned a logo to be made for her. She made it super easy for me and wanted it to look like a moleskin I painted for her 2 years ago- except with blue birds

totally fun! I can't wait to see it on tags!

No Micah pictures on this post but I have spent the last few days-seriously... AGH! (Uber may freak out if he finds me in front of the computer for the 3rd day in a row when he gets home tonight) working on Micah's photo album. So if I have time maybe I will load them all up and show you what I have so far... I wonder how long it will take to upload 40 pages? Is that too much? Fair warning I am no Adrienne - I am minimalist (read lazy) and boring in my photo albums! Anyway let me know if that interests any of you...


  1. Me me it interests me!!

    Mom's logo is really cool.

  2. Love the logo! One of these days I'm gonna have you do one for me. But first I need to think of an idea of some kind....

    I would be interested in seeing pictures of Micah anytime!

  3. I want more chubby cheek pictures!!!! That's a yes from me if you did'nt catch on....

  4. Love the logo!!! Just upload to a flickr or something and link. Then whoever wants to look (like me) can, but you don't have a ginormous blog post.

  5. Can't wait to see it on tags either. Next week, hopefully, they will get ordered.

    Waiting waiting waiting for pictures of that boy...

  6. Really nice logo- it seems perfect for Norma. I'm doin' the bird theme on my blog so that really caught my eye.(:
