Saturday, January 29, 2011

17 weeks

Our little goober is 17 weeks- How has time gone by that fast?
He has quite the personality
and let's you know when he's not happy about something
like having a million pictures taken
Don't you dare put him on the ground... however, being propped up in a box is fully acceptable
I'm glad we have that straight! 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Box of Chocolates Garland Giveaway

*this giveaway is closed*

Finally a little giveaway for you! This garland might look familiar to some of you since I made a similar one for myself last year. (And I don't want to talk about it but I like this new version better) I thought that since I was nearing my 250th post (what?!) and Valentines day is just around the corner one of you might like to have it!
So up for grabs is this yummy (roughly) 8 foot long wool blend felt garland with hand embroidered detailing.

If you would like to enter please leave a comment.

For extra entry's you can

1. Follow me
2. subscribe
3. blog about my giveaway

Just leave me an additional comment for each one (if you're already a follower or subscribe it still counts as an additional entry so leave a comment!)

The giveaway will be open until next Friday (the 28th). When I will use to pick a winner (If the winner does not respond within 5 days, a new winner will be chosen)
This giveaway is open to everyone anywhere!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Toadstool Terrarium

The lack of sunlight makes having plants in our house impossible. So I decided to make myself a little terrarium.... out of felt! I am really thinking the world could be made out of felt!
This is TOTALLY someone else's idea check out Lisa Jordan's blog lil fish studios mine looks like a 5 year old made it compared to the beautiful work she does - I wish I could afford it! If you haven't seen her before you must check out all of her amazing creations!
I just made a simplified copy of hers though I realized later mine is about 4 times the size of hers... which is actually harder (I think) Anyway I have plans for another one that will be my own much as it can be.... lol by no means will it really be mine.
Anyway I LOVE it and it is now on a shelf in my dinning room.... should have taken a picture of that! It's a nice pop of color!
And here is the boy who is growing up so fast! He was actually laughing at me tonight. Got to love it!

Also I am going to be having a giveaway (hopefully friday) so check back for all of the details!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Micahs Book

Well a whole other day gone (Ugh) and it's basically up to date- just a few pages left when I get the photos! You all should be sufficiently Micah'd out after this post!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Norma's Logo

While my Grandma was visiting she commissioned a logo to be made for her. She made it super easy for me and wanted it to look like a moleskin I painted for her 2 years ago- except with blue birds

totally fun! I can't wait to see it on tags!

No Micah pictures on this post but I have spent the last few days-seriously... AGH! (Uber may freak out if he finds me in front of the computer for the 3rd day in a row when he gets home tonight) working on Micah's photo album. So if I have time maybe I will load them all up and show you what I have so far... I wonder how long it will take to upload 40 pages? Is that too much? Fair warning I am no Adrienne - I am minimalist (read lazy) and boring in my photo albums! Anyway let me know if that interests any of you...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Color Book and Smelly fish

I finished Micah's Color Book. Which has been on my long term to do list forever -- it really wasn't in my plans to make it now but I had time to raid Mums scrap bags so it moved itself to the top of the list! Mum tried to show me paper piecing which is really cool... but I ended up trying to use too many different pieces and being new to the process I ended up being lazy and gave up.

Here's all of the pages before I put the book together

And here it is put together. It's turned out pretty large I think it's about 7x8" and somewhere between 2-3" thick.
I embroidered the front page for texture and hand stitched each page to the cover.
I LOVE the way the spine turned out!
The color names are freezer paper stenciled
And I tried to do something different and funky with each patchwork page
I also tried to have some sort of texture fabric on each page.

I am really happy with how it turned out... especially since I didn't start this with any sort of plan I just let it evolve as I worked on it.
So I realized yesterday that I hadn't shown you all this awesome hat Sherie knit. Micah has the coolest aunt!
I mean who doesn't need a fish eating their head?
I think the one above will go in his photo album!
And this one is Ubers favorite. He's not super steady in his bumbo seat yet his daddy's been working on it with him... don't worry he is heavily supervised when we put him in it - Micah not uber... though I do tend to supervise his dad too!