Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Micah received this awesome silver spoon (lol) from his awesome Uncle Kris and I wanted to display it until Micah can actually use it so I broke out some of my Martha Stewart craft stash to whip up a shadow box... I kinda love it!

I FINALLY found night stands for the Master bed room this has been a LONG hunt ... years actually. I had something in mind and I never found it exactly and anything close was sooo ridiculously expensive that there was no way I was settling. I happened to be playing around on pottery barn the day after thanksgiving and came across these... on clearance and with no delivery surcharge- Perfect!
I loved them even more when they arrived! I also bought the charging stations which are great (also clearance and free shipping!). The baskets underneath are Target. Now I just need to get the headboard done I think I have finally decided to make one for this room... well see how long that takes me!
How cute are these? These are some that Mum made from Heather Baileys Tutorial they fit him so well! Of course I lost one the first time I took him out of the house in them... not the shoes fault I am pretty sure they came off when I pulled him out of his carrier : ( but no worries she said she'll make him another pair!
Micah in his prison outfit...
He is getting so close to laughing he smiles at you and makes happy noises but he hasn't actually laughed yet...

oh and I actually finished a big craft project yesterday so hopefully will get pictures of it to show you tomorrow!


  1. The spoon looks cool in the box! Did you sew it in? The side tables are pretty! The boy is SO CUTE! Sad that you lost a shoe, but your mum pretty much complained and whined about how silly they were to start with so I'm sure she doesn't mind another go at them (even though we all thought they were fab. Just sayin.) :)

  2. I LOVE those night stands! I had been looking at them as well. But, I ended up going with a mismatched look.
    Those little booties are too cute! Wish I had a good relationship with my sewing machine....blah.
    And HOW did you stick the spoon on in the shadow box?
    AND... I love Micah in his Prison outfit! He is soooo cute! A & A's baby is laughing now and it is just too precious for words! Ya'll are going to be doing all kinds of crazy stunts just to get him to laugh! Gotta love those baby belly laughs! ;-)

  3. Haha the spoon. I used zots which worked for a few days and then not so much so I sewed it in... if I had been smart I would have used hot glue...
    I wouldn't have minded mismatched I really wanted something old but our craigslist/second hand stores stink down here...

  4. I love the nightstands! I wish I could have pb ship over here. Love the baby too:)

  5. I love what the addition of those tables did for your room! I was great before it's awesome now!

    You have a very cute baby, BTW....
