Monday, September 20, 2010

Photo Shoot Part 1 - At the beach!

One of the things I really wanted was some decent pictures of Uber and me before Baby MAC makes his appearance. Just some fun pre-baby look at how fat and happy we are shots. So we've been dragging Mum around tormenting her... Or maybe Mum and I have been dragging Uber around and tormenting him... either way I may be the only one who has had fun with this! But since I want food every hour there were lots of rewards for them on our excursions!

Here are a few of my favorites these were all taken out at Jacksonville Beach.
Awe! Am I allowed to awe myself?
Mum chopped our heads off because Uber kept strangling me!
We are slightly heart retarded...
I know we are totally goofing off in this shot but this is my favorite! Of course we spend so much of our time goofing off that it isn't surprising I would like it the most...
This one is pretty awesome too though!
More tomorrow!


  1. Those are great Jess! And it's good that you thought to do that. I am sure I drove Andrea and Airan mad with my demands that they get together so I could photograph them. The pictures are nowhere near as fabulous as what your mom did, but at least there are pictures of Airan and Andrea together when she was still pregnant! Luckily that photo shoot I talked them into (finally) was on the last day of her pregnancy!

  2. They are awesome! And yes, you are allowed to awe that picture. I will say if for you too.
    AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Love them. Comparing you to some of the gals here, you aren't very big for being so close to your due date. You've seen some of these mommies and they get "huge" and look so miserable. I won't say 'who' looked the most miserable here recently. :)

  3. These are some of the best photo's I've seen. You guys look wonderful. Keep up the good work! Family life seems to agree with you both.

  4. Corinnea!!!!! These are gorgeous! I mean professional-super fantastic-want-to-get-pregnant-just-so-you-can-take-my-photo good!

  5. Thanks everyone! That's a huge complement Jennifer. It was very fun and nerve wracking! My models are pretty awesome.
