Monday, September 20, 2010

Photo Shoot Part 2

You guys are all so sweet thanks for all the nice comments! Here's part two of the photos and then I will stop torturing you guys with pictures of me!

These were all taken in the little down town area of Fernandina Beach on Amelia Island - which is about a 40 minutes north of us.
I LOVE this wall.
I think this one is my favorite!

Uber is so hot...and awesome because he humors me way longer than he should!
Holding yourself up when your front heavy is interesting... I love the pictures but if Uber and Mum hadn't been nice and helped me down I would have fallen over!

Mum did a FANTASTIC job I am so happy with all of the pictures and these were just a few of my favorites!

Back to crafting tomorrow... and it's a good one!

Photo Shoot Part 1 - At the beach!

One of the things I really wanted was some decent pictures of Uber and me before Baby MAC makes his appearance. Just some fun pre-baby look at how fat and happy we are shots. So we've been dragging Mum around tormenting her... Or maybe Mum and I have been dragging Uber around and tormenting him... either way I may be the only one who has had fun with this! But since I want food every hour there were lots of rewards for them on our excursions!

Here are a few of my favorites these were all taken out at Jacksonville Beach.
Awe! Am I allowed to awe myself?
Mum chopped our heads off because Uber kept strangling me!
We are slightly heart retarded...
I know we are totally goofing off in this shot but this is my favorite! Of course we spend so much of our time goofing off that it isn't surprising I would like it the most...
This one is pretty awesome too though!
More tomorrow!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Here's one of several sneak peeks of the nursery...or nursery related items I'll be showing you over the next few days. We (read Uber) put the shelving up on the side of the closet... not that this is their final placement because we are still waiting on the dresser/changing table.... but it's pretty close.
I had planned on adding a thicker molding across the front of the shelving to hide the brackets... but I am SO OVER PAINTING so instead I decided to make some fun fabric bunting.
I'm totally loving it! Yes you can still see the uprights but the brackets have disappeared now and that's really what bugged me. And the bunting matches some other items in the nursery... which you will see later!

I also must mention that you have my awesome Mum to thank for ALL of the photography on my site the last few weeks... I have been making her take all of the pictures... I am SOOOO lazy!
P.S. Look at all of those adorable shoes!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Remember Ubers cousin James and his wife Ashley? You've seen them a few times before on my blog most recently from our Memorial Day weekend trip. What I don't think I've told you yet is that they are also expecting their first baby in January- we found out in May when we visited them but we were sworn to secrecy... BUT not only can I tell you they are expecting I can also tell you that they are also having a BOY!!!! How exciting is that? Uber and I are stoked that Baby MAC will have a cousin (2nd cousin?!) so close in age!
So notice the awesome Thundercats shirt James is sporting in the picture above... it got LOTS of attention on our day trip into Atlanta from all sorts of different grown men. (I should add here I didn't know and still don't really what the Thundercats are all about) ANYWAY I was brainstorming something fun to send up to them and thought it would be awesome to make the boys matching Thundercats onesies...
Yeah I am pretty thrilled with the outcome! And Uber is totally stoked about it so I'm pretty sure James will love it to!
Something else a little crafty... With Mums expert help I was able to make a bunch of double sided fleece washclothes for the baby I love having someone around who is willing to read the manual on your sewing machine and tell you how to do things.
20 washclothes for less than $5 ... can't beat that!

Lots more baby stuff to come! I know you are SO excited!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

More Beach

Starfish are hard to come by but some neighboring beach goers let us play with one they caught.
Mum is loving being so close to the water.
What is this? It's so small but we were pretty sure it was alive.
Mum holds things too! It kept suctioning on to her hand!
The beach is getting cooler... not by much but enough to make shell hunting much more pleasant!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I'm still here...

So I'm a little behind on the whole blogging thing... I can't completely blame it on my Mums arrival but between her and Uber and Baby Uber I think I am covered on excuses... not that I need one... ahem

We have been running around like crazy people getting things done... not really things that are interesting enough to show anyone though, sorry! We just downloaded all of our random pictures from the last two weeks so you should start seeing a little more from us here shortly, once we divvy up who is posting what.

Meanwhile here are some random beach pictures from a few weeks back... I had more to show you but Uber downloaded the other pics to his computer and I have been unable to get a hold of any of them... so I am counting them as a loss at this point!

We haven't seen a lot of dolphins out this year (these are it now that I think of it) they showed up right before my camera died! I think there were about 8 of them out there but this is all I managed to capture.
What are these? They're huge and everywhere at the beach... if you zoom in their face looks like a skull... gross!
I love watching the birds at the beach
I would say one of these days I am going to regret picking up a live thing on the beach... however that day has already come and gone and I am still doing it so here's another picture!
For fun - I'm so glad I am not QUITE this huge... but I am getting close...
Things to look forward to-

More beach pictures

More fat pictures

More baby related pictures

And maybe if you are lucky more crafting pictures