Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Weekend - Part 1

We had a blast this last weekend. Our friend Kristen came down for some fun in the sun and Florida completely didn't cooperate. So Friday we headed down to St. Augustine and goofed off for a little while.

Yeah, so this is a terrible picture of Kristen... but I am cute... and that is all that matters. This picture was taken at the Casa Monica Hotel where we had a scrumptious lunch consisting of Rostli and Caprese Salad. Totally unexpected and very good.

We headed out and walked down through the historica area to the Fort. Here's what it usually looks like -- take note of the moat
Here it was friday...

Same thing again

There was a TON of water in there- infact that was the theme of this weekend... water. I have never seen it like that!

Goof Balls
More of the same.

Close ups because people think walking up and sitting down right in the back of a picture is the cool thing to do.
It was a little windy- and it was starting to rain so we headed back in for cover and ran across the American Legion building which Kristen is a member of so we ducked in from the sprinkles and rested. It was a VERY cool old building right on the river (well across the street which is as close as you get to the river)
And a video... because it's funny... though you might not think so... the alligator oven mitt is a gift from Ubers Mom and it is REALLY fun to play with (obviously) also note that it is 2am because Kristen got in late and we went out for dinner. I honestly dont know the last time I was up this late... None of this explains why he is doing this though... this is just Kristen... and this is why we love him.


  1. So glad you guys are mine! Can't wait to see you!

    That's a lot of water!
