Sunday, March 1, 2009

Quiet Weekend

I wore flip flops and capris for the first time this year on Saturday. I am so ready for some warmer weather- not hot though!! Of course today was torental down pour and ridiculously windy and cold... go figure.
I couldn't resist the urge to go by Lowe's on Saturday for a few plants. I will have to wait a little longer to get the rest until I am sure there wont be any more freezes. I picked up a Strawberry plant. I am very excited about this, I may do a second pot if these go well.

We used our work table in the garage to get them all planted.

Uber picked out a new pepper plant to add to his others... I know the others look kind of sad, I stopped bothering to water them because I figured they would die with all the rest of the plants I forgot to cover during the many freezes we had this winter... they are going to make it though there is new growth all over them and even a pepper!

I meant to take a picture of how sad my garden is but...I chickened out! I was told to wait until mid-april to see if the plants come back or not... I am really bummed out I hope they do! Last year my hibiscus never stopped blooming so it is sad to see it all twiggish! It's hard to resist the urge to just yank it and start over... I miss seeing bursts of color out my window!
Uber went to the Monster truck rally with a friend. He'd never been to one (not that I have) he said it was fun apparently there were some 75000 people there- ridiculous!
I stayed home and baked a ridiculous amount of banana bread- all in little acorn shapes. And then I made myself a needle book. I can't remember where I saw the idea for this but is was on someones blog. I just winged it from the memory since I didn't have the time or patience to look for it again.

The cover is cotton and the inside 'pages' are linen with a fusible interfacing inside to keep the needles in place. It's all scrap fabric.

It measures 4"x4"

The pages are held to the cover by a chain stich of embroidery floss.

I am totally stoked about how it turned out! Hope you all had a good weekend, I really wish we had more of these available!
**Thanks for all the love on the pillow. The mommy-to-be should be getting it on Monday!


  1. All my plants are currently under the snow! We got another 4 inches Friday night. But it's all beginning to melt again. That is good kind of snow. Start taking notes on what you plant, when, where and how. I wish I had when we were still moving around.

    I love your little pin book! What a great idea! You are such the clever girl!

  2. I can't wait for spring here! The needle book is great! I think it's funny that you have that many needles! I think I own some... somewhere... I'm sure of it... But if I can't find them, I don't have to sew on DH's buttons, right?

  3. Holy Cow! A needle book! That's what I need!!!! I loose mine all the time!

    Can't wait to see your garden up close! Dad says gigging will be fun but don't worry about entertaining him!

  4. Joan - my garden is REALLY tiny like if you blink you miss it... I will show you pictures soon. I actually have a garden journal I guess I should pull it out and use it huh?
    Kelly- you make me laugh! I just have a ton because you can't just buy one...
    Mum- I will send you one if you want they were super fun and quick to make!! And I am not worried about 'entertaining' dad I think we would all have a blast doing it if he is interested in it. (unless that is his way of saying he isn't really interested)Just let us know either way. Matt is researching pricing and it is looking nice!

  5. I am having my first flowers trying to peek through the dirt. The trees are blooming too. All the plants are very confused; had a month of no rain, now snow and storms, poor babies, I hope they survive. I LOVE the needle book, it would be a good addition to a secret project I am doing. You have given me a idea.....keep up the good work.

  6. I love the needle book! very cute idea. I have tons of needles! Because like you said, you can't buy just one. I've never seen a needle in a one-pack:)
