Sunday, December 14, 2008

Deck the Halls

I'm all decked out and ready for christmas... of course we wont be sticking around but it's fun just to have it decorated! The box under the tree was painted by my Grandma it's SO pretty!

A yummy 'woodland' garland with scrumptious copper snowflake lights

They make me happy. Almost like maybe it could be snowing outside. Though I do think copper snowflakes might hurt!

I finally got the order I was working on finished so it is time to start baking YEAH!!
More tomorrow!


  1. love your couch! The tree is gorgeous (and the box too!).

  2. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! I need you here to do my garland again over the slider... Your house looks so pretty. It is fun to see the box under your tree. And the crystal lamp looks perfect on the table.

  3. beautiful beautiful, can i come over for coffee???

  4. Coffee and cookies at Jessica's!!! Yeah!!!!!

    I love you! Your house looks great as usual!

    Copper snow.... ha ha ha
