Thursday, November 27, 2008

Moleskin Love and Happy Thanksgiving

We are crazy busy over here but I just wanted to drop in to say hi and show you some more stuff. Hope you are all having an awesome day with your families!

I LOVE these little notebooks. My Grandma sent me one a few years ago for Christmas and I carry it everywhere with me to doodle ideas into. I decided to go pick some more up and found these fun smaller ones. Perfect! I think everyone needs one of these! I personalized one for each of the early christmas present recipents... I am not a painter at all! But I really enjoyed making these...

for my aunt:

my cousin (went more anthropologie looking for her) :

Ubers mom:

for Grandma:
I still haven't gotten around to doing my own... funny how that works! Mine is going to hold a quick reference for all our favorite recipes ingredients because I HATE to plan and Uber alway picks the more complicated meals when we are in the middle of the store trying to shop for the weeks food. I hate getting home and finding out I forgot the one important ingredient...

Alright I am off. I have one more post on the early xmas gifts coming up!


  1. I love the way your mind works! You continue to amaze me...

  2. I immedialty thought of flocking when I saw this! Have you ever done that? Wee Wonderfulls did a post on it a while ago. That would look so cool! But this looks awesome too. I LOVE the initial. The N is my favorite.

  3. Wish you all could see them up close and personal. They are soooo cool. And, the N is my favorite too!!! Nice how that worked out......

  4. Jess, you have turned into such an amazing young woman! Who'd have thunk it all those years ago when you were so full of "but WHY, miss Joan?" every 1 1/2 seconds! Although, I always knew you were talented, even back then....=-) Thanks for visiting my blog missy!

  5. Very cool Jess! Love the initials worked into the designs!
