Thursday, March 31, 2011

So... I made fabric...

Mums been on my case to try it out so when I saw that Michael Miller had teamed up with Spoonflower I decided I might as well try and enter the contest. Unfortunately I didn't get chosen to be in the top 75 but I thought I would share my design with you because it was a really fun process. I titled it 'A Day at the Zoo' it includes 23 different animals that are commonly found at the zoo. The fun part for me was I wanted all of the animals to be drawn to scale it was interesting to see how all of them measured to each other since penguins and giraffes don't often hang out together...  
 I know the resolution on this is terrible - so you can also go here to check it out. We are planning on printing it up and making something- just need to figure out what.

I'll probably take the rest of the week off. I have a sinus infection and am pretty useless at the moment!

** I just realized Kara made it to the 75 which is SO awesome! Go check it out and vote!


  1. This is very cool! I love that they are all to scale! Can't wait to see what you make out of it! :)

  2. Awesome....for some strange reason I am really digging the ostrich : )

  3. love it - I love your idea to make all the animals to scale. so cute.

  4. I think its really cool that you can design such a darling print and I can picture it on a lot of things and in decorating a little boy's room. Good job Jessica. I love it. I think you are a winner!

  5. Wow! that a really cool design. I like the way the animals are all to scale and I like how they are all hanging out together.

  6. Man, I totally thought the sea turtle fabric was your entry... I even commented on it. It looked just like your quilt from Micah's bedroom. I LOVE this one. The animals are so real... and to scale, that's the most impressive part. Thanks for posting the link to the contest. I didn't know I had made it until I read it here! ha.

  7. Well you know I love your design and not just cause I'm your mom... Can't wait until you decide what to make!!

    That's so funny that Kara didn't know until she read it here! Good job Kara.

  8. Jessica! I LOVE the fabric design! Awesome job! And I'm not just saying that because I'm your moms friend! ;-)

    Wanna see what you make with it soon! So cool!
