Monday, March 7, 2011

Playing catch up

Well I guess I took a little unannounced vacation, things were busy around here so blogging just didn't happen. But we were having a lot of fun! So to catch you all up here's what we've been up to.
On memorial day presidents day (one of those days- thanks kelly) we took Micah on his first bike ride.
He loved it!
He met his Great Grandpa
We took Micah on his first weekend getaway and ran down to Orlando for a weekend. He did fantastic. The nights were a little rough but overall it was a great first trip. 
He slept through a lot of it.
Micah turned 5 months old

I can't believe how fast he is growing! It rather ridiculous. 
He had some Grandma time
Some Daddy time
Crazy Uncle Beau time
Beau and Micah showed up to worship dressed the same... I will love this forever! Unfortunately Micah left his shades in the car...
Grandpa's hard work finally paid off he rigged up a zip line for Micah in the back yard... which he, Matt and Beau have been playing on (and maybe mom and me) We (Mom and I) finally found time to make a safe swing for Micah. I searched online and found a design I felt comfortable with and we copied it (with improvements of course)
Micah spent over an hour playing in it and never fussed we finally took him out because it was getting cold but I have a feeling this is going to be a favorite all summer! This child has no fear- we are in so much trouble!
And now you are caught up to yesterday. I have a bunch of video but that will have to wait for later. I have a house to clean!


  1. So cute! I love the adorable pictures. It looks like you guys had fun ;)

  2. Did memorial day come early? Hehe! I can't believe you made a zip line in your back yard! I am seriously impressed. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that all your men would know how to do that... so cool!

  3. haha kelly see how totally out of it I am! Dad is amazing he comes up with the coolest stuff! I will try and get a video up soon showing it in action it's pretty funny.

  4. FUN!!! I don't blame you for not wasting time on a dumb computer. :) All of these photos are great, but that second to last one of everyone crowded around the swing is my favorite--I just love your Mom in that one. It's wonderful.

    I never have a problem remembering President's day because it falls right before my birthday, but I ALWAYS confuse Labor Day and Memorial Day.

  5. Oh! I want to see video of the zip line! And I'd love to know more about your swing. It looks like something my 5 m.o. would love too!

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic's. The bike ride is darling, the swing - so cute, pic's with family - adorable.......But the one with grandma is precious!!!! The funny one with Beau - funny! Thanks for the up date, he is amazing. The one of him sitting/leaning is a fav.

  7. hahaa those pics really are sooo cheerful! lovely kiddo!

  8. Aww such gorgeous photos - looks like everyone had so much fun!

  9. Always love seeing pictures of the family! I hope you got some pictures of Micah with his grandpa and great-grandpa all together!

    Keep on sharing! Never can get enough of the cute baby! ;-)

  10. That's so funny. Him and Beau have the same expression in that one picture.
