Saturday, October 9, 2010

Baby MAC is here!

Most of you have already heard but a quick update for those of you who haven't. Someone showed up ten days early!

Micah Alexander
October 2

7 pounds 6 ounces
20.5 inches
We absolutely adore him. In fact he might already be spoiled rotten!
I'll probably be pretty scarce around here for a while. But I do have a few older projects that I can finally show... just need to get my photographer to stop unpacking her house and get to work!


  1. Oh' Wow Jessica. I knew I hadn't been around in awhile but had no idea it had been 9 months! Congratulations to you and your honey on Sweet Baby Micah's arrival!!! That's a beautiful name. I was just looking over the pics your mum has been taking and wow what a great photographer! You and your husband look so great in all of the pictures. And now seeing you as a family, well it's precious.

    Oh' and that tree stump is awesome. You are so talented.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  2. Congratulations! He's a handsome little guy. :)

  3. Oh my gosh, he's so freaking cute! I love the name. Congrats! Tell the photographer to get busy =)

  4. The photographer is mesmerized by such a handsome boy and has a hard time not kissing his face off. Give her a break!

  5. Oh my goodness! He is just beautiful! Seriously, lot's of babies come out looking like little old men/women. But baby Micah is just adorable! All plump and kissable.

    Congratulations to you all! Enjoy every moment because they do grow up SO terribly quickly! ;-)

    Love to you all.

  6. SOOO SWEET!!!! I love that pic on the gray background! Very chic. I'm so happy for you!

  7. I'm so happy for you ALL! He is just adorable and sweet looking:) I want to hold him so bad! Congratulations on your new angel:)

  8. Congratulations! He is adorable. Beautiful pictures...Let you mom know she is an amazing photographer...

  9. Micah is just beautiful. Enjoy every moment.
