Friday, July 2, 2010

Yosemite in a day

About 3 1/2 hours from Ubers parents house, Yosemite just barely slides in as a feasible day trip from Sacramento (if you are crazy, and we apparently are). We got up, packed into two cars and headed down on a Saturday morning. We really wanted a chance to visit because it's June and all the falls are at their peak, or close enough. The only downside is that of course everyone else wants to see them right now too, and school just got out, and parking in Yosemite is a complete joke.
But all that aside it was lovely. There were water falls everywhere.
And the weather was perfect.
Here is Yosemite Falls.
Uber and I at the bottom of Bridal Veil. Shortly after this photo the wind shifted and we were all drenched.... but not a big deal you dry off on your walk back down to your car.
I'm pretty sure this is my favorite spot in Yosemite. There are a lot of pretty places to stop and look out over the valley but this one seems to be the best. I think it's because all you see is the natural beauty, there are not buildings or cars intruding. And you can't beat a waterfall rainbow!
Quick family picture. On the way out I got to check off one of my 'must see/do while in yosemite' my father-in-law caught sight of this black bear in a field as we were driving out.
So we of course immediately pulled over and I ran to try and get a picture... I was hoping for better but he was pretty far away. My adorable nephew wanted to know who was going to shoot it.... haha... ok well it makes me laugh anyway. Though I have seen a bear in the wild before it was a lot of fun to see one that was going to stay in the wild and that we just happened along. more adventures soon...


  1. LOVE Yosemite! Looks like a wonderful day. Glad you got soaked by the falls... that's all a part of the fun!

    Love seeing my baby too. OOPs did I say my baby?? I meant your baby of course.

  2. What a fun day! So.... any names yet?

  3. Joan I am guessing you mean for the baby and no, no names. Matt wont make a decision so oh well... it's intials will be MAC so we just call it baby Mac, or baby m until he decides.
