Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Since I've been back I have started the process of consolidating the office and guest room down into one room so that I can start getting the nursery together - I only have 99 more days until my due date! I can't believe that it's approaching quite so quickly my to do list is a mile long... not that it all has to be done before the baby arrives - but it sure would be nice!

The Guest Room and Office are for the most part completely unused spaces for us. I did the bare minimum for each room knowing that in the future we would be purging most of the stuff in them to make room for kids. Below is the before picture of the guest bedroom corner/closet that is now going to house our home office. We actually just bought the desk a few months ago it's been completely bare in this corner for the last 4 years.
After some slight reworking of my original plan here's what we ended up with.
The details--
Desk - Is from World Market, I chose this one because it was reasonably priced, solid wood, and on the small but not too small side.
Shelf - Is from Ikea I put little feet on the bottom of the shelf to allow it to sit closer to the wall.
Storage containers -
The aluminum storage bins are in the heavy duty garage storage at Lowe's, they are slightly to long for the shelving unit, but since it's in a closet I just kept it about an inch from the wall and it worked out perfectly.
Ribbon and paper storage are from Michael's
Magazine storage is from Ikea
Floating shelf - from Lowe's. Originally it was black I painted it white.
I'm really happy with the way that it turned out! I have some finishing touches and things I would still like to do in here but it's completed for the time being... the nursery sounds like a lot more fun to work on! The crib and chair have been ordered so I will start making final decisions on the the nursery soon!


  1. That looks fantastic!!! I really love it.

  2. It looks really cool! I can't wait to see what you do with your nursery! I think you should do a play by play kind of thing for that one. With lots of before and after and tutorials along the way. I'm assuming it will be fabulous and that tutorials will be needed. No pressure though. :)

  3. Good stuff! I'm with Kelly, I can't wait to see the nursery you put together for the little guy.
