Thursday, October 1, 2009

She's Alive!

Well I disappeared out of no where! I have been all sorts of busy around these parts but it has been the kind of busy that you have nothing to show for (other then a very very dirty house... lol) Hopefully it all will be wrapped up in the next week and I will have something to post about! I do have one fun thing I can share with you though.
Collin asked me to work on a logo for him so for the last few days I have been playing around with some ideas and I finally have something together for him to look at today so... without further ado

I have no idea if he is going to like it or not... but he didn't give me a lot of direction just to include a 3 point crown... and yes I gave him a hair cut I hope he doesn't mind the long hair doesn't translate well on a silhouette.
If you haven't checked out his work you should go take a look (though he really should post some of his new stuff, ahem) My favorite so far is this painting.
It's finally feeling like fall around here and though I am sure it wont last I am enjoying it immensely! Also has anyone been watching Glee? Totally cheesy and I am totally hooked... I probably shouldn't be admitting this. Oh well.


  1. Hey Jessica. It's good to see a post from you. You know after awhile it's like old friends you wait to see if you hear from them. Collin art work is really neat. I can't draw an apple. I'm right there with you on Glee ~ cheesy and I'm lovin' it!
    Have a blessed night...Tracy :)

  2. I'll try to take a picture of his newest for you, since he doesn't post..... I will give you more feed back on the silhouette after I talk to he himself. For now, I will just say awesome and I love the crest.
    Glee, thought it was just my dirty little secret. Maybe we should start a "glee club". ha ha ha get it?

  3. Think the logo is cool, crest thingy in the crown looks great, and I also love glee, just sick and twisted enough to be completely entertaining.
