Sunday, August 16, 2009

Step 2

Oh my goodness! I had no idea this would take SO LONG! What was I thinking? So here is what I have been up to for the last 10 days! Decorating my perfectly good quilt top with totally unnecessarily time consuming things... like peacocks! I love it. Even uber likes it... which I wasn't expecting!
Sorry I know the color is a little washed out but I had five seconds to take these pictures so I guess be happy that I got it finished and took pictures today!

I have been wanting to do a peacock for a few weeks... ever since I was shouting up the stairs at Uber and he thought I said peacock... I don't remember what I actually said but it wasn't and had nothing to do with a peacock. But then I wanted to do something with a peacock... Maybe that was Ubers plan all along.
These are some crazy birds. I looked at hundreds of pictures while drawing up my template and they are amazing! Some have tails literally 10 feet long... talk about junk in the trunk... hahaha....

I took a little bit of artistic license because I didn't want to get too detailed...

These are what took me forever... who knew!

This little guy arrived in my mailbox Saturday! Is he not the cutest thing ever? Sherie made him. I laughed so hard when I unwrapped him. I am going to have to find an awesome spot for him!Uber's back finally - Yeah!
Ok I'm off to quilt... hopefully it won't take me 10 days again!
*edited to add* I just noticed that tomorrow is my 1 year mark for blogging... weird!


  1. really really pretty! and what is the furry thing??

  2. hah! I htought so! SOOOOO cute!! Two super cute things in one post...

  3. I cannot believe how crazy awesome you are. This is one of the most amazing things you've done.

  4. Amazing Jess and I do think you need to keep that for the little armadillo, I didn't get to see it before she mailed it.....

  5. Your mind and talent go places that just amaze me, this is truly just beautiful!

  6. LOVE the peacock! It's gorgeous! And I'm glad you cleared up the identity of the armadillo, I figured that's what it is, but I wasn't sure. But for the tail, he reminds me of an ant-lion. Anyway, he's super cute!
