Sunday, July 26, 2009

Relaxing... well sort of...

We had a nice but busy weekend. Some of the highlights. Shopping, eating out and a movie on Friday night to celebrate Uber finishing another class...well actually he finishes it on Tuesday but next weekend promises to be very busy so we celebrated early. We saw Harry Potter which I enjoyed. It was a little slow, definitely not the best of the bunch but I liked it anyway.
Saturday we went to the beach and walked a LONG way. Meant to have Uber look up exactly how far... oh wait 4 miles...

I found two larger sharks teeth. The tide was going out and I am sure there where hundreds of huge ones out there because there where tons and tons of shells, these I just happened to see while walking.
I've been wanting to display some of the teeth for a while so I finally got on it today. I had this Martha Steward box hanging around... (because I cant resist when they are on sale) so I got busy with some hot glue and here's what I came up with.
These are the best of what I had, there are probably another 80-90 in the jar most of which were collected while Mum and Dad were visiting.

I'll just add to it as I find more.

Another flower picture.

At the bottom of the clematis this little set of mushrooms is growing...makes me smile

So need your help I trying to decide. We hit up an awesome Williams Sonoma sale and I found this table cloth and I can't decide if I like it or not. So I figured I would ask you guys. Too much green? Too much fabric? Just not good? Both Uber and I said no... but then it grew on us or soemthing... so let me know what you think I have no issues either way....
Also I've heard bad reviews on their table clothes (but I asked and it's returnable if any of those things turn out to be true) I do have to say that this is not $140 quality which is disappointing because usually WS is great. I only paid $40 for it which isn't exactly cheap, but for the size and style it's great. The other thing I picked up was another Nordic Pan... I LOVE these things. So I made a Pound cake and banana bread and them put half of each together so Matt and I can take them to work. Can't wait to have some of the pound cake!
Alright. I am off to finish cleaning the house... did I mention we have company coming on Tuesday... not sure how much I will be around this next week. Can't wait to see what you say on the table cloth.


  1. Love the sharks teeth display!

    Love the new pans. Wanted to make pound cake and BB but never found the energy...

    Not loving the table cloth (and you know how I love table clothes) I think the shade of green is wrong with your chairs. Colors on computers can be weird though, so if you like it now, keep it.

  2. I wanted that bee hive pan!!! Have never gotten around to buying it hough...Don't care for the table cloth. It's not right for your room. I'm not sure if it's the color or the style. I can see it maybe for a dinner party (to keep your precious table covered) but as every LOVE the teeth display. A loong time ago I saw the coolest shadow box of cereal. Just like yours but in a white frame, they had displayed all types of cereal (frootloops, lucky charms,etc. ) it was at Z Gallerie and I wanted it soooo bad! It was $40 there-abouts. Jon said no mam. I should make my own! For my kitchen. I'm inspired, thank you!

  3. I always look at the pictures before I read the info, I recognized that table cloth immediately. I wanted it to but thought $140 was a bit much. I have green walls to, and was unsure if it would work. I think it looks great in your house, and $40 is a good sale. The pictures of your house always look so nice, I’m jealous. Alright, now I must visit Williams Sonoma! I’ve been eyeing the mini pie molds.

  4. Love the ocean pictures, the shark teeth shadow box is way cool. And I actually liked the table cloth, after I saw the comments I went back and looked at it close up and its hard to tell if the green in the cloth blends well with the green in your chairs. However, I think the green items on the shelf and the table cloth go well together and the touch of red I really like. And that's a good price for that size cloth. I know I don't always have a good eye for things but it looks pretty to me.
