Monday, May 4, 2009

Quick Dinning Room Redo

So I mentioned this last week after the Orlando trip and never got back to you about it- mainly because I am not done... but what ever I am really busy and who knows how long it will be before I'm 'finished'.
Here's a reminder of the dining area before:

I LOVE my James Christensen painting but it is WAY to small for this wall. I really felt like the dinning area felt claustrophobic and tiny because of it. But was hard to find something to go there because I didn't want it to compete or clash with the living room art.
I have been stalking really neat shelves for a while now you should see my folder of ideas I have pulled from decorating blogs and magazines. But there were two problems 1) I can't afford any of the store bought ones that I want and 2) I can't find any corbels large enough to make my own (plus Uber is REALLY busy with school.

I think this one was pulled from simple song:

Don't remember where I got this one but it is by far my favorite I LOVE it!

Hmm... this one either oh well thanks who ever posted them! (I suck at sourcing!)

Then I ran across this picture, it is from This Young House which is a totally fun blog and the couple who runs it completely sources everything in all their rooms so you know where to find it (I mean everything people) Can anyone guess where they came from? IKEA that's right! They are 75 inches long and only $25 a piece can you believe that? Just the deal I was looking for.
I was originally planning on beefing them up with molding and corbels but after getting them up I am actually happy with them just like they are for the time being ... this has NOTHING to do with the thought of having to paint them... hahaha
I'm not done accessorizing yet. The second frame still needs art work that I will get to...someday... mainly I want to keep this shelf light and airy.

Here is a close up of the left side I am totally digging the green pitcher it is from Crate and Barrel it is recycled glass which explains my immediate attraction to it I love the color. I almost didn't get it I was worried that it would be to dark - in the store it sparkled but you just never know if it is the display lighting and the nearest C&B is 2 1/2 hours away if it didn't work out. But Uber of course told me to get it, so I did and it is perfect.
The rhino is from Zgalleries something I also saw on the TYH blog. Most of you probably don't know but I have ALOT of animals tucked around my house... I try to keep it classy though, not so much of an in your face animal obsession... I hope, oh dear...please don't send me them I do NOT collect them they are carefully chosen and adopted! ...just saying
Hope you had fun. I have some more really neat Ikea ideas up my sleeve but since we live to far for a quick trip (in my opinion) they will all just have to wait until the next time we happen to be in Orlando. Uber is sighing in relief, I think he is sick of hearing about them!
Also they are having a giveaway at This Young House and it is all Zgallery booty! It's open until Thursday so go check them out.


  1. I LOVE it!!!!! Perfect, perfect, perfect. I just want to come live with you.

  2. That looks really good, nice choice! I like your animal comment, it made me laugh =-)

  3. Very very very nice! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ikea. And I thought your animal comment was funny too, but I totally understand why you felt you had to say it! :) I'm the kind of person who would see something and think "oh jess would like that" and then keep sending them to you! Haha!

  4. Wow, it's BEAUTIFUL!!! I like how you have an empty frame, it adds interest! And I LOVE the little touches of green. The artichokes are fantastic!! Great work, it's amazing!

  5. Love the redo, would you please come here and help me with mine, its sort of pitiful, truly think theres nothing that your not really talented at.
