Thursday, April 2, 2009


How are we already in April? 1/3 of the year is gone! We had a killer storm take us from March into April... Florida obviously doesn't understand the rules of March.
I have been so busy. With lots of random things some of which I will be showing you shortly (hopefully). For now I thought I would show you the reason you don't see quilts being made around here...
We picked this fabric up in the L.A. fabric district for an unbelievably cheap price we were there over a long weekend and I guess everyone else had better things to do because the place was EMPTY. Needless to say the people really wanted to sell their stuff. I saw this and totally cringed at the $20 yard price tag.... I think by the time we left I paid $4 a yard. It is a two toned blue and gold silk. I had been looking for something to do a quilt in and figured - hey why not!
... let's just say I obviously had no idea what I was getting myself into. I started it with good intentions but quickly ran out of steam... did I mention I was hand quilting? I didn't pick it up again for a year and I think I finally completed it about 2 - 2 1/2 after starting. All of the quilting follows the vines stitched into the silk. I think it looks pretty neat- kind of like a shadow.

The funny thing is I don't really like to sleep under anything but a comforter so this sucker went directly into the linen closet when it was finished. I just pulled it out to snap a picture of it for you I think I am going to leave it on the guest bed though because I am kind of digging it now! I was getting an itch to do another quilt and I think looking at this again has successfully killed that thought.

I thought I would leave you with a little bit of green. My first tomato's have just started to grow- and I do mean just started that smaller tomato is less than 1/4 inch across! The little bit of garden that made it through our frosty winter is starting to take off. My jasmine is blooming and smell sooo good! My local Lowe's will hopefully be getting in the rest of the plants I wanted in next weeks shipment I am SO excited (so are they I'm sure I have been bugging them A LOT)
Also my guitar lesson are going awesome! I am loving it, though my fingers will never be the same again... or my nails for that matter I chopped them off finally and WOW has playing become SO much easier!
I am off to work --


  1. Jess that is so pretty, it looks great in the guest room. Love the itty bitty tomato. Hopefully he will grow up into a big,juicy one....

  2. Can't wait to be in your guest room!! Save some tomatoes for me please.........

  3. It's official. You're title is correct. You are insane. But the blanket is gorgeous! Don't rule out quilting, just do it on the machine next time!

  4. The quilt is beautiful! I love the fabric, really it could only be better if it were a sage-y green instead of the blue. :) And you did the whole thing by hand? Amazing!

  5. The fabric is fab! And the hand quilting is... insane! (in a good way!) Wow, good for you for completing a project. Now... wanna come here and finish some of my UFO's? ;}

    We're supposed to have up to 3 inches of snow tonight! 56 degrees yesterday and 32 today. Gotta love Nebraska! =-)

  6. how did I miss this post?? The comforter is gorgeous! I can't believe you hand quilted...this project sounds like my couch covers project. I'll get it out again in about a year to finish another chair:)

  7. Mmmmm . . . can't wait to sleep under that. CT grows lame. Can't wait to see you guys.
    CPT Old Man.
