Monday, September 29, 2008

Finally Finished!

I started this about 2 and 1/2 years ago. I don’t remember where I first saw this idea because it has been SO LONG ago but I thought it was really cool looking! I started bugging people and had finally collected a bag full of corks so I went to Michaels to pick out a frame and fell in love with this one and it only came in this size and I thought I should already have almost enough corks collected to finish it. WRONG my goodness this thing was the never ending project. I don’t know enough people that I could ask to collect them for me… I even ALMOST went through one of my neighbors recycling bins because… well never mind I am sure you can guess why… anyway I am sorry for everyone I bugged for these but it's now done and I LOVE IT!! Isn't it pretty!? I need to go pick up some decorative pushpins from Ballard Designs (which are a rip off… does anyone know somewhere else that carries them? So far none of the craft stores do!) and then I am going to put some of my favorite quotes up on it. It's hanging in my entry way. Hopefully this doesn't offend any of my company : P

I actually got my act together for Halloween this year. Mainly because my Mum sent me decorations last year and since they were already at the house and totally cute I had to put them up. Some of you will recognize these since they were from the shop, they would be REALLY cute on a little black tree ( I think you guys may have done that) but I don’t have anywhere for a tree so I went with a wreath. I just picked up a grapevine wreath, orange/purple ribbon and some funky ball garland and played with it all until I could live with it… I am SO NOT a wreath maker I always have all these cool ideas but I can't ever get the wreath to cooperate… it really bugs me. BUT I think this one turned out decent (that is about all I can say for it) This will probably be the extent of my decorations for this year… I might try and pick up some pumpkins but we don’t usually get more then 2 trick or treaters a year so it seems wasteful … we'll see how festive I feel. This is actually hanging inside the house because we never use the front door… but you can see the wreath when you walk in the front door.

How are your decorations coming? I am off to work on something new...


  1. Wait! I had a big donation of corks for the cause the other day. You're gettin them anyway. Make a trivet.

    Your wreath turned out really great! I think I will print a picture and that will be my decoration this year!

  2. Your cork board turned out really cool. And I love the skeletons hanging down the middle of the wreath! We don't bother to decorate for Halloween, but I always take the kids trick-or-treating. Most of us are dressing up at work and we're having a costume contest for the community. :)

  3. Oh I would so love to dress up! I miss getting to be wierd for a day... wait... ok never mind. I totally know what I would be but I would have to get grama to send it to me!

  4. ohhh the indian girl! would love to see here again!

  5. Love the cork board, I too have more corks for you. The wreath turned out very cute. Since you are the only one that can get into the Indian Girl dress, I should just send it to you!?!?!?!?!? The only way I could ever get it on again would be to drop 20 pounds and that ain't gotta happen!!!!!!

  6. YEAH!!! I want the Indian Girl Dress!!!! AGH!!!! HAha... ok yeah totally want it if you will give it to me!
