Monday, September 8, 2008


Sorry I have been so bad about getting something up on here... would you believe I have a lot to show? I just got done working an 11 and 1/2 hour day and am trying to get the house and laundry cleaned and get everything ready for this weekend (I am going on a little trip which I will tell you about later...hopefully... ) for now I am going to leave you with pictures from this Saturdays beach trip....It was GORGEOUS there was not a single cloud in the sky and the tide has gone back out so TONS of stuff to look at...

I have NEVER seen a starfish on this coast so I though this was pretty neat... he was alive and I put him back in the water cause I am nice like that!

And last another awesome shell this one is at least two times bigger then the one I found last weekend and it is in PERFECT condition... the top is really cool!
Alright I will try to get back here tomorrow!
Also I am totally up for a recipe swap! Pictures must be included though or I will never make them... we could even do it non-seafood so everyone will like the dishes!


  1. Nice "shells" baby...

    Looks like a fun day! Glad you and the bad boy got out and relaxed.

  2. your shells are delicious...he he he.(your mom will understand). I have no recipes anyone would want to try:) Frozen chicken strips and white rice anyone?
