Friday, January 21, 2011

Box of Chocolates Garland Giveaway

*this giveaway is closed*

Finally a little giveaway for you! This garland might look familiar to some of you since I made a similar one for myself last year. (And I don't want to talk about it but I like this new version better) I thought that since I was nearing my 250th post (what?!) and Valentines day is just around the corner one of you might like to have it!
So up for grabs is this yummy (roughly) 8 foot long wool blend felt garland with hand embroidered detailing.

If you would like to enter please leave a comment.

For extra entry's you can

1. Follow me
2. subscribe
3. blog about my giveaway

Just leave me an additional comment for each one (if you're already a follower or subscribe it still counts as an additional entry so leave a comment!)

The giveaway will be open until next Friday (the 28th). When I will use to pick a winner (If the winner does not respond within 5 days, a new winner will be chosen)
This giveaway is open to everyone anywhere!


Adrienne said...

Ooooh! Fun! Love the garland, soooo cute! Consider me officially entered!

twannywun said...

Please can I enter - looks lovely :)
karen s
twannywun at hotmail dot com

twannywun said...

i follow with GFC now too :)
karen s
twannywun at hotmail dot com

Jessica Whittaker said...

OOOHHH I want to enter, can I still have a chance at winning even though I am a bad friend and have not seen you since Micah was born?

Unknown said...

I love the garland! It would look great draped across my loft!

Kara Forristall said...

It's darling, just like everything else you make (including little MAC)

Isisjem said...

That is so pretty. I think I'd have a hard time taking it down after Valentines day it's just so sweet!

mamarazza said...

As I look at your lovely inspiring blog every day I would call myself a follower! And I would love, love to win your adorable garland!
Greetings from Stuttgart! Conny

mamarazza said...

so it's official now - I'm your follower :-)

Leslie said...

I think this looks great. You do such great work. I loved the new mushroom in a jar too.

his eye is on the sparrow said...

Oh! Here's where we enter!
Well, how does a brand new mom find time to craft, blog, plan give-aways, and . . .all that other stuff!! Very cute stuff!

Adrienne said...

Ok, here's my official I-blogged-the-give-away entry. :)

Norma's Nonsense said...

All the above!!!! Me too me too!!!! I want it I want it...mine mine mine....matches my house.....

seriously (I am serious) that is really pretty, you and your garlands. Hmmmmmm, should we call you the garland queen? Iknow - expert!

Jennifer said...

Entry 1: I want this baaad! How do you subscribe? i did the follower thing and I'm about to post about it but how do you subscribe?

Jennifer said...

Entry 2: Give me some kool-aid because I'm now a follower!

Jennifer said...

entry 3: I just posted about this giveaway!

Gill said...

I love the colours in this garland!

Amanda Bee said...

LOVE IT! Found you thanks to The Green World Blog! You've definitely got talent!

kms handmade said...

Very cute Jess! I follow/subscribe on Google Reader. :)

kms handmade said...

PS, I'm not blogging about it 1) because I'm tired, and 2) Jennifer REALLY wants it. :)

Lisa said...

Hi There,
I saw this pictured and follwed over from the Flickr Embroidery pool. Your garland is lovely, and better than a real box of chocolates, because you know exactly what you're going to get, teeheehee!
Have a great weekend!

Joan's Good Life said...

How adorable are these?! I LOVE it! And the good thing about them is that you don't have to worry about the after effects of having eaten a bunch of chocolates. You know what I mean, as in.... the door frames shrinking (or your hips enlarging) either way, a bad, bad, thing. he-he-ha-ha.
(got my fingers crossed!) ;-)

ThirdMargaret said...

This is just The Cutest! I am so glad I found your blog. (thanks, flickr!) I shall now go follow!

ThirdMargaret said...

And now it's official, I'm a follower. You're gonna need more cups!

Adrienne said...

My third entry: I'm a follower!!

Jessica@SewHomegrown said...

Well that is gorgeous! I too have a love affair with felt (love the toadstool post)!

savvy stitch said...

I'd love to win this gorgeous garland!!

savvy stitch said...

I follow via Google Reader.

Tara said...

I am now a follower!

Tara said...

I am new to your blog! I am so glad I found you!

Cassandra {Sleeping or Sewing} said...

Oooh! I was directed to your blog from Sew Homegrown. What a super cute garland and I love the mushroom!

Cassandra {Sleeping or Sewing} said...

I am now following your blog as well. Yea!

Janna said...

Soooooooo creative. Love it.
etsyteachermom at gmail dot com

Janna said...

I follow you.
etsyteachermom at gmail dot com

Sarah said...

That is so pretty! Thanks for the chance to win!

Karen said...

Not sure if my last comment went through because my toddler just walked up and hit a button...but I love this and would love to be picked to win!

Karen said...

And I just 'followed' you :)

Julie said...

I absolutely love it-it so darling-thanks

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How pretty! I've wanted a garland for the window over my dresser! This would be perfect! HUGS! ♥

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I am your newest follower! Thanks! ♥

Nicole said...

Oh, I love it. Please enter me!!! nicolehymas (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, that's cute!

TeenaBugg38 said...

This is sooooo cute!!! Thanks for a chance to win..I am so into vday decor this year!!!

TeenaBugg38 said...

And I am following your blog now too :)

Grace said...

Oooh, so pretty! I would like to be entered please!
Thanks so much for hosting!

Bella said...

Lovely:) Starting a new playwright-ing project of sorts on my blog
Would love to feature your work.
A crafty heart lacking patience. Thank you for the inspiration.

Jessica@SewHomegrown said...

Just letting you know - I follow you AND I blogged about your giveaway!
xo, jessica

Anonymous said...

soo cute! :)

Shannon said...

Hi! I wandered over by reccomendation of Jessica from Sew Homegrown. This is adorable! Thanks for the opportunity to win! Very Crafty indeed!

Krystal said...

So beautiful!

laurawilson25 said...

I'm following you! I would love to win your giveaway!

jhitomi said...

adorable garland. Found you through Sew Homegrown's blog.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com

Karen said...

I just blogged about it!

Anonymous said...

Enter me please! (contact:

Lori said...

I'm a new follower so please choose me!!!

Mama Lusco said...

So cute! Thank you. mamalusco at ortelco dot net

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