Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm Back!

Well physically at least, mentally I have no idea where I am! I got back yesterday morning from a slightly longer than two week visit out to California... hence the annoying scheduled postings of all the various projects I managed to crank out the last few days before I left and the reason why I am mentally comatose... red eyes and rude passengers will do that to you... so if any of this doesn't make sense I apologize.

Uber had his last year (I hope) of reserves which he completed in San Francisco so I booked plane tickets to follow him out to California... only I went in to Sacramento where a lot of our family lives and spent the two weeks jumping between everyone and having fun getting in last visits before I'll be totting around a baby... of course the fact that I am already totting the baby around didn't dawn on me completely...

One of the first things we did was a day trip up to Lake Tahoe. It's just a little over an hour away from my Grandma's house.

I was lucky the hot weather held off until the last two days I was there so for the most part I enjoyed the best warm but not hot weather. Tahoe is absolutely gorgeous... as always. The ridiculously cold, clear water is the most amazing color of blue.

I got up here quite a few times in the short time I lived in there but I am still wondering why I didn't go more. I don't think I fully realized everything there was to see.

Have you seen these before? We hadn't. Very pretty... but weird too.

Eagle Falls... we drove right over it looking for it... hmmmm where could it be... rolling down our windows might have helped... just maybe.

This is just a small portion of the falls... me trying to get in a better spot so I can see more. Prego people can't climb very well... or as my older brother would say... babies don't belong on walls.

The little island has a house on it... cant remember it's name or anything. The water running over the falls is beyond ice cold. I put my feet in and they died... I had been planning on walking to some rocks 2 feet into the falls but ... not in that cold water!

This is a higher portion of the falls we decided to walk up to the bridge.
It took us a minute to find the stairs... this is them from the top, from the bottom it just looks like the mountain side. I would not want to be the person installing these!

a gnarly tree
a lovely day
A few more random things...
I have a few more posts coming with fun California sights.
My Etsy shop is open and all the kitchen aid covers are listed.
I think I am off to take a nap... maybe it will rid me of this killer headache!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Kitchen Aid Cover - seven

Hope Valley by Denyse Schmidt for Free Spirit Fabrics.

These will be up in the shop at the end of the month.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kitchen Aid Cover - six

Recess by American Jane for Moda

These will be up in the shop at the end of the month.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Kitchen Aid Cover - five

Hope Valley by Denyse Schmidt for Free Spirit Fabric

These will be up in the shop at the end of the month

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Kitchen Aid Cover - four

A Breath of Avignon by American Jane for Moda

These will be up in the shop at the end of the month.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Kitchen Aid Cover - three

Hope Valley by Denyse Schmidt for Free Spirit Fabrics

These will be up in the shop at the end of the month.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Kitchen Aid Cover - two

Recess by American Jane for Moda

These will be up in the shop at the end of the month.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Kitchen Aid Cover - One

A Breath of Avignon by American Jane for Moda

These will be up in the shop at the end of the month.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Makeup Bag

I am SOOOO totally stoked about this. I came up with the idea this last week and finally found a few hours to whip it out this morning. It went together amazingly well, absolutely no issues in the process (which never happens). I absolutely love it! I think I am going to dress up the cover in the future when I have some time.

It 8 inches high and 15 across and the clasp is magnetic- which was totally easy!! It has plenty of room for everything I need. I finally don't have to worry about messing up my brushes when I travel. The side pocket holds only makeup stuff. My toiletry bag is still used for everything else.
Speaking of the pocket I don't know if you can tell but I totally lined up the fabrics pattern... to bad I didn't think of it on the brushes part! I don't know where that came from because I am SOOO not usually that on top of things! It could be the fact that I picked up some wondertape that my mum blogged about before starting this and let me tell you that stuff changes lives...haha... I had the zipper in and perfect in all of 5 seconds, usually it's twenty minutes of pinning and repinning and fighting with the machine. Buy it!

I used peltex (or what ever that hard interfacing is) on the outside so it holds it's shape.

Oh and I hide every seam because I am definitely OCD about about raw edges. I will probably do a tutorial sometime in the future for this... but there's no telling how long that will take me.
WIP's I have been crazy busy sewing. There will be a lot of kitchen aid covers available shortly I will show you them over the next week or so. I think I have 7 more. And I am feeling pretty confident with my pattern now so I will hopefully be getting around to finally creating a tutorial for these as well. This one has been so difficult because I will actually need to do a pattern piece... and it's not all going to fit on one page... argh!
Alright well I am off I have so much to do... so little time!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bows Primavera

Oh dear another one. What can I say I like food and I wanted to start compiling my favorites somewhere people can get them for themselves, I'm nice like that!
-2-4 zuccinnis
-1 Tbsp olive oil
-1 chili, diced
- 2-3 garlic cloves, pressed
-large package of ham, cubed
-peas (optional)
-6 cups bow ties
-grated parmesan (grated)

-start water to boil.
-quarter, seed and chop zuccini.
-brown zuccinni in frying pan with olive oil, chili and garlic.
-Add ham and peas. Allow to simmer while pasta cooks.
-Plate pasta top with veggies and meat and add parmesan to top.