Monday, February 23, 2009

For Brianna

One of Ubers friends Ryan and his wife Angi are expecting their first baby in March. I kept thinking I had a TON of time to get something together to send out and then I realized last week that, that wasn't really the case anymore! I was bouncing back and forth on different ideas of what to send to them, I don't know Angi very well (she has just always been incredibly kind to me) so really all I had to go on was the colors of the nursery- brown, pink and cream and a picture of the bedding which was lady bug themed. Here's what I finally came up with:

I have this incredible knack for trying new things when I do a baby gift that I always seem to think will be quick to complete.... uhhh... yeah not so much! I had just recently tried applique on a pillow I did for my aunt at Christmas but I didn't really read any directions I just winged it... Well I didn't really read any directions this time either BUT I did look at some pictures to see how it should look. I am not sure if there are different ways to do this but HOLY COW was this time consuming!!!! All of the fabric (with the exception of the lady bug) has finished edges. I cut, folded and ironed every little curve. My arm was killing me by the end!!
I chain stitched around the B and the leaf. And then did normal stitching around the ladybug and flower

I am really stoked about how this turned out. The lady bug looks almost exactly like the bedding.

I also included one of my growth charts that fit the color scheme.

I really hope she likes it. Now I just need to find a box!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

For Mum

Mum needed a cover for her new Kitchen Aide so I got to work. After seeing the design she mailed me the fabric she wanted used (Recess by Moda) and I LOVE IT!

It went together perfectly. I am really not sure how I managed to make it do that. Every seam lined up perfectly the first time not even a centimeter off. I might finally be ready to share the pattern!
I added stiching (does this count as quilting?) this time. It's something I had been thinking about doing when I did the ones for the shop but I couldn't decided. I think it works perfectly with these fabrics. There is a thread for each of the colors of fabric.

Here's the inside. It's reversible... of course.

I am thinking about holding it hostage until I get the ADORABLE dress in the mail... but maybe I will send it sooner...

Monday, February 16, 2009


I chopped most of my hair off... I like it. Some people don't, Uber does. Other people haven't noticed... really it is like 5 inches is this not noticable? Anyway, I will grow it out long again now, I have just had an urge to chop it off for a while so I decided to go with it now so it could grow out again before it gets too hot...

Uber brought me flowers... which I LOVE!

Mum sent me the chocolate fondue pot (thingy) in her last box and I LOVE the design on the bowl. I never realized how easy it is to do! It came in just in time for the first good batches of strawberries and blueberries in the stores. YUM! We did this for desert on V-day. We are not big into the festivities and we DEFINATELY don't eat out.
We just went to The Fresh Market and loaded up on TONS of fruit and vegtables (see photo below also) SCRUMPTIOUS Asparagus also a first for this year. Love these things! Uber will cook them for me so that is always a bonus! We ate them with Brats... is this wierd? I am so excited for nice produce to be back!! I plan to gorge myself this summer!

This photo is totally sideways but whatever! I am thinking strongly about joining in the felt food making... to bad I have too much stuff to do already...

Friday, February 13, 2009

It's a WHALE!

So here is a little something I made for my Uncle. I had no idea he might want his own pillow when I made some up for all the girls at christmas. I was stoked though because it totally gave me an excuse to use this pattern that I actually already had drawn up.... and yes it still took me almost 4 months to get it done... but what ever...

It fits and 18"x24" lumbar pillow.

I liked it SO much that I made a second one for the shop. Check it out.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Uber made me do it

I picked up an iphone last night (when I should of been at home resting because I am sick) Uber totally made me do it. And so far this thing is amazing. I really like it! I think the cost is a little ridiculous but a few things that sold me on it is that it will hold all of my music so I dont have to carry a separate player anymore. And now Uber can have my old phone and mp3 player- which he wanted anyway. The internet is INSANE I can read all the blogs I want on it and so far I think it is actually making me more productive, I can do all my internet stuff while I am waiting on things out and about and when I get home I dont really feel the need to jump on the computer. I still haven't tried to blog on it yet so I am not sure if you can or not... I need to get better at typing before I try any of that! I am a little under the weather right now with a lovely sinus infection. I finally got into a doctor today so hopefully all the medication he has me on will have me better if a few days.
Thanks for all the kind words on Ciarra and Robert. Robert passed away yesterday and I am trying not to think about it too much. He was a truly wonderful, humble man and there is just not many of them.

Monday, February 9, 2009

On to some crafty business

Here is a new item I did for the shop. It is a 9x11 felt embroidery piece done on a blue linen and stretched. It can go straight onto the wall or be framed. I am REALLY digging this look.

I love the little birds toes! The linen is actually lighter then it is appearing in the pictures...darn light

a close up of the nest

my little signature
I have two more of these planned- they will be different of course!
I am thinking about making a light box! Of course as soon as I get around to it, it will be summer and there will be plenty of light...
I am also thinking about my garden for this year. I think I lost alot of plants with our crazy cold snaps which I am a little bummed about but also kind of excited to have a reason to get out there again this spring and go plant shopping so we will have to see what makes it! I want to grow more herbs and possibly tomatoes and strawberries. We will have to see how much time I have since real work is so hectic!
Also Ciarra was released from the hospital and they cleared her of needing skin grafts-YEAH!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

When it rains, it pours.

What a CRAZY weekend! It went from being crazy booked not booked because I was getting sick so I was laid up on the couch all Saturday morning trying to feel better. Then we get a phone call that Ciarra (Uber's niece) had been burned when a kid decided it would be funny to throw gasoline on a fire at a party she was at the night before and that she had been medi-evac'd from Pensacola to Shands in Gainsville. So we took off to see her (Gainsville is about an hour and a half from our house) she is doing pretty well. They were initially worried her lungs were burned, but they aren't. She now just has to deal with being 18 and having 1st and 2nd degree burns on her face. They are keeping her in the hospital until at least Tuesday to make sure that she wont need skin grafts. We are very thankful that it wasn't worse and very hopeful that there will be little to no scarring. So if you can also remember her in your prayers we would really appreciate it.

And once again with no good way so segue... I am really hoping these types of posts are over.

We did manage to get the garage completed... FINALLY!!! And I LOVE IT! (hopefully Uber loves it too... though I am not sure because I am so loud about the fact that I love it! )

The dark grey area of the floor is an 1/2" thick floor mat that is really comfortable to stand on while you are working or just hanging out.
You can now see where the flag is hanging...

This is the shelf we have been waiting on FOREVER it's from costco (lesson learned - GRAB IT WHEN YOU SEE IT... we have been waiting 2 months for this to be restocked... and they aren't great with giving dates because is has been supposed to be in tomorrow for the whole of the two months....) We looked everywhere else and no other shelf was this nice. It holds up to 2,000 pounds on each shelf, the shelves are wire so the dust can drop to the ground (I REALLY like that!) All of Uber's tools go on this shelf. I only took over the top one to store the extra shelves from the house and our xmas tree.

This work bench is AMAZING it is also a costco find and is SUPER heavy duty -8 ft long and is just pretty to look at.
Uber built the peg board and has it all framed out and pretty, which just thrills me to no end! I always loved seeing framed out peg board in magazines.

The cabinets are our old kitchen cabinets that the builder accidently destroyed (as far as being used in the kitchen goes) while trying to do a quick repair. They look great in the garage!
Getting the bikes up off the ground is great, it gave us alot more floor space. Uber built the little shelf by the door which is just adorable it holds all of his screws and nails in yummy jelly jars : ) I can't wait to hang cute things off the hooks!
Oh and note the hot water heater in it's cute blanket (I really dont think they help...darn you oprah... hahaha)
Ubers birthday gift which we will finally be getting more use out of now that the gargage is clean!

I hate storing things I managed to get all of our storage down to these containers and actually the top rack is all sports and out door stuff the middle rack is all christmas and the bottom rack is ... well packing popcorn because I hate tossing it so it is accumulating with a vengance... So I think I am doing pretty well if I could just part with the popcorn...

I hope you enjoyed the tour of the garage... sorry it took so long. I am off to bed now 30 minutes late... Uber is definately over it!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Where have the last 11 days gone?

I didn't mean to be gone this long! Actually I didn't mean to be gone at all. It's been a long week and I just haven't had the energy to post anything.
One of our preachers had a massive heart attack last Tuesday and unfortunately isn't going to going to recover from it. He is only 57 and is leaving behind a wife and two daughters. I am confident that he is in a better place, but I am incredibly sad for his family and especially his daughters who won't have their father with them when they graduate in a few months. It's been a very tough reminder of just how short life is and just how quickly it can change. Please pray for them.
Sorry to bum you all out. And since there is no good way to change the subject after that I am just going to move on. I have actually been keeping myself VERY busy crafting and I will be showing you some of it shortly ... but not just yet.
Meanwhile something I can show you. We have a bunch of Ubers old bachelor days art work still hanging around in the garage. I don't necessarily dislike it (well all of it) but it doesn't exactly fit with our current decor and can sometimes offend people ...ha... anyway this is what was in the frame before hand.
Mom and Dad had sent this flag to Uber it's from a race that is held every year at our favorite place to ski. I have been wanting to get it up somewhere but ...well where do you hang a big orange flag? The answer is in the garage!
I think it looks pretty awesome! Total cost $2 for the black foam core... loving that and the pop of color it is adding to the garage...which I am VERY hopeful to be showing you very soon.