Sunday, November 21, 2010

Closet Organization

Finally a completed craft project... of course the smaller easier one is mine!
I wanted a hamper and a way to separate different sized clothing in Micah's closet ... this is only one bar there is another bar above plus a drawer with larger sizes... I kept forgetting where the different sizes begun and ended which is really irritating when you are trying to get a sometimes fussy baby dressed... so after a few days of brain storming I came up with this solution

Wraps for the bars. I wanted to be able to read the sizes looking into the closet so the plastic sideways discs weren't going to cut it for I wanted to make mine... I am totally jazzed with the way that they turned out. I just did quick hand embroidered numbers and stole moms sewing machine (while she held Micah... see she helps with every project) to sew them up and used iron on Velcro. If anyone is interested I can do up a quick tutorial ... it may take me a few days... lol...
Next the hamper. I had made a quick drawing of my idea and had cut all the pieces out roughly to the size I wanted them and then threw the project at mum to complete ... which she was really nice about doing (not sure how long that is going to last! : P )... she of course made the whole thing even better. For some reason she is not super happy with it and told me I could blog it... Personally I think its fantastic and I wanted you all to see what an awesome job she did with someone else's half baked idea.

So I have ONE more thing to complete and then the nursery is done (for now). Ubers parents are here tomorrow so I am am hoping to steal some crafting time this next week while they spend quality time with Micah. I really can't wait to show you the completed project!

Now for some gratuitous baby shots-
Micah visiting his Dad at work!
Micah with his amazing grandparents -can't wait to show you some pictures of him with his other set of equally amazing grandparents ; )
And AGH! Uber clean wrapped in a towel Micah! How stinking cute is this towel?
Alright I am off to chew on my baby!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Micah - the first 6 weeks

Photo update for family and anyone else who is interested (Uber says I can't fill facebook up with baby pictures ...haha... and plus some people don't have facebook)

Here's a bunch of pictures of the little guy in no particular order just a few of my favorites--out of thousands... yeah and we haven't even been that good about getting pictures!

I'll try not to make too many posts picture posts!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My little Cardinal (Halloween)

I had the hardest time deciding what I wanted to dress Micah up as for Halloween. I took so long that Mum and I ended up making the costume the evening before. It's great having someone around to do all of the sewing for you especially since I still haven't figured out how to get anything done with a baby around! (My Mum is AWESOME- in case you all didn't know)
I had bookmarked Martha Stewart's Bluebird costume a few years ago and knew at some point I would want to dress a kid up in it. The directions are terrible so really all we ended up using was the pattern for the wings, the rest we did our own version of ... which we think turned out SO much cooler than the inspiration!
So here's the photo shoot we did (by we I mean mom) and of course we had to use the stump!

And my favorite!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


We have had a steady stream of company the last 6 weeks... one more reason we've been so slow to blogging. There is a lot going on behind the scenes though if we ever settle down long enough to get it up here!

My Aunt Rhonda left the morning Micah was born.
Uncle Kris came for a visit he and Micah were fast friends (there is a bit of crafting for you in this picture I whipped the shirt up for him while he was visiting... wasn't going to post about it but hey it's there and it's crafting!)
Aunt Sherie just left a few days ago we were able to steal her from her family for 8 whole days!! We didn't get into nearly enough trouble but hopefully she wont wait so long to visit again!
Ubers parents are going to be here in less then two weeks - they plan to sit around and hold Micah their whole trip so I might actually be able to steal some time to complete some crafts!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Someone's rolling over

One month old and he went and rolled himself over! I guess he is all grown up now... next week he'll be out getting a job!