Saturday, February 27, 2010

I'm so lame...

Well if you are expecting a post full of exciting things that have been keeping me from being around here ... you will be sorely disappointed. I have nothing for you! I haven't been feeling well and my brother and my parents dog have been consuming all of my excess energy (not that that's been much... and I am pretty sure they wouldn't agree with me if you asked them)
Here's a few things from the last few weeks.
I bought a bunch of these shiny silver beads and decided to use them on a plain target v-neck that I never wear.
I think the problem is solved. The sparkle makes me want to wear it all the time. I have a few thousand more so we will see what else I decide needs some sparkle...
My etsy shop has been doing really well. Which I am incredibly thankful for... I just wish I had energy to make more things to restock it. I did however FINALLY get a few new things up in the shop today (it's all old to you it just took me FOREVER to get decent photographs). So there is now another owl pillow and the fish pillow is up. Also below is one of my barrel of monkey's onesies I had one ordered in red and I totally dig it so I made a second one for a friend who just had a baby.

We haven't been out to the beach much. Just a few quick trips because it is a little too cold right now. But here's a rather large jelly fish from a trip while some friends were here. Definatley the largest one I have seen on our beach... and here were a lot of them.

Beau and I took Brinkley for a short walk while Uber took a bike ride. We didn't let Brinkley off the leash since it was a little too cold for us to be be chasing him and getting wet... if he decided to be a crazy dog.

He won with beau though and yanked him a good ways out into the water...hahaha...

Other fun stuff if you haven't checked out my Aunts blog lately you need to. She is making some awesome stuff. She should be opening an Etsy store soon..... so cheer her on and maybe she will move faster!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

better late than never...

I finally finished this growth chart for a little friend who is already 3 months old... How did that happen so quickly?! I'm not sure how much his mom reads the blog... so hope this isn't spoiling anything. He has a monkey themed room.

So the token monkey.

a new caterpillar...

and the totally fun new grasshopper and cat tails which I am totally digging. Hopefully I will be getting this in the mail tomorrow.... and I hope he doesn't have one already.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

In love!

I received my sweater in the mail yesterday! It was made by my Auntie Sherie. I have to say though after receiving the product I have to change my previous answer about opening the shop... You should definitely NOT open a shop...
you SHOULD spend your life continuously supplying your niece with gorgeous sweaters. It's just the right thing to do.
And every one of them should come in equally gorgeous packaging. I mean does it get any better than having a beautiful bag to store my beautiful sweater in?!

Alright before any of you fly over here and kill me I will help her set up an etsy store so she can supply us all with beautiful things.... it may take awhile though...