Saturday, January 30, 2010

Somethings Fishy...

Another pillow completed! I actually finished this at the beginning of the week but the sun hasn't been cooperating with my schedule so today I just made due with the flash... sorry!

I am really stoked with him. I used different colors of felt on him than the last time and made him more red and blue... I am not sure which one I like more, they both strike me for different reasons. But the other one is already at it's new home so I guess it doesn't matter!
This one is done on a light blue linen and is 18x18" (I stuffed a 20" insert into him) the felt is 100% wool

I am not sure what I am going to do with him... probably keep him... but I may get a wild hair and list him in the shop to see if he sells.... and then be more then happy to keep him if he doesn't... lol.
I have been trying to wipe out old projects that have been collecting dust around the house... which means a little lack of enthusiasm around here and in turn less things completed to show you!
My older brother is flying in tonight so fair warning I might disappear for a little while...again.

Friday, January 22, 2010

I heart you.

Just in time for valentines day I completed my heart garland. I can't get enough of garlands I just love them.
I had this idea pop into my head and thought it sounded really cool. I was sure someone had done this before but I searched and couldn't find anything like it ... which meant I actually had to think about how it should be put it together...
bad idea! I TOTALLY underestimated the time this project would take. A heart garland ?! Sure no problem I can do that in two days! ... A week later I wanted to strangle myself, gouge my eyes out...anything to get me away from it!
But it is done, they're hung and I love them!
The details - I lost track of how many hearts there are but lets just go with A LOT... enough to do two garlands that are substantial in length. There are three colors of linen medium pink, dark pink, and a natural color. I used 7 or 8 different heart patterns and cut out as many as I could fit in to 1/3 yard of each color. I embroidered over half of the hearts with I don't even know how many different designs. Then I sewed the heart together and flipped them right side out, stuffed it and then hand stitched each one closed. Once that was done I arranged them all out and then strung them up with embroidery floss. On the end hearts I sewed in some 1/2" velvet ribbon (before the stuffing) for the garland to be hung up with.

Yes I am crazy...apparently I can't help myself.... but if it is any consolation my house was a complete mess by the time I was done! Uber was even picking stuff up! lol. (it is clean now but only because we have company) I had planned on doing a tutorial to go with this but I decided that I would spare you... please don't torture yourself making a hundred small hearts... it most likely won't bring out the best in you! But if you do still want one of your own go for it... I will even scan in my heart patterns and give them to you (and then I will laugh at you)

More crazyness later...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

This one won't die on you... I promise.

It's a Goldfish!!! And I LOVE HIM!!

He's handpainted with amazing 100% wool felt hand sewn (of course). It kills me to cut into this felt it is so beautiful. But he is totally worth it!
He's for one of my small friends. I hope he likes him...he apparently likes fish... If not I may steal him back and hope he doesn't remember...because some day he will be bigger than me! (the boy not the fish)

I am already working on another one... who knows where it will go... maybe in the shop?!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Gifts for me!

Sherie sent me this guy for christmas. He is totally cracking me up.
This is what you expected right?!? I think his name is Bub... he's not sure about it though.
Gram sent me this. Totally digging it! She forgot to take a picture for her blog so I get to show you!!
It has been FREEZING here! Literally. All my plants are dead... moo. We recieved a care package (WOOT!) from some of our friends in St. Louis to help us get through.
Freaking scrumptious let me tell you!! He roasted it himself. And I fully plan to make him show me how to do this when we see him again. Better not tell me it's a family secret! Thank you guys!! I love it all!

P.S. John you can send me more anytime.
P.S.S Sherie I want something I can wear and show off! Please. How about a cardigan? Mum says you pull beatiful things out of your butt... so search around for me k?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Pattern in the shop!

So I didn't get far on my cleaning... infact my house is worse than it was on my last post...ugh!
I had a request for a pattern for my owl. So I got busy (to the exclusion of all else) and it's now up in the shop!
I hope he does well I never intended to make him into a pattern.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Lazy Weekend

I was at least a little productive this weekend. I made up two new patterns for felt embroidery. You will be seeing more on the pattern part of this in the future. Meanwhile these originals are up in the shop!

The barn owl- how cute is he? Seriously I would love a barn owl as a pet... if I were talking to animals at the moment... which I am not.

Happy little mushrooms.
I have a few more on the way. I need to take a break though and get some other things done... like laundry, grocery shopping and those other unnecessary things we do.
I hope everyone else's New Years were happy and uneventful!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy 30th Birthday Uber!

You're officially an old man!!!

But I LOVE YOU and you're awesome! I hope we have many more years to make fun of eachother.
(please don't be like chinchin)