Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Since Christmas is over...

Here is the gift I made for my Aunt Sherie.

She had asked for a pillow with a bee on it (a year ago... oops) so I finally got it together and decided to use it on a kitchen aide cover instead.
I am pretty sure the lining fabric is an Amy Butler print. It screamed sherie to me. I don't know why maybe it's the circles : )
Well I am not being creative around here at all. I am hoping to get back to it soon but life really seems to be getting in the way at the moment!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

5 Years

and Uber has loved every minute of it,

...so have I!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Colbie Caillat

Last Friday night mum took Uber and I out to see Colbie Caillat. It was a lot of fun but we didn't bring a camera. So we made due with my phone... which as it turns out doesn't take very good pictures.
You have to stay very still! Which is not something any of us are good at!
It was a small venue which was nice. But they built the space on an angle which was not so cool. We were upstairs where you could sit and we were really close to the stage but we couldn't see it because the wall curved. We ended up going down stairs and hanging out in the crowd which was a lot more fun even if you could only stand.

I think we all had a blast.
Colbie is totally cute and normal looking.

We had a blast with mum here. Uber misses her she had coffee ready for him and had everything clean the whole time she was here. He's been spoiled... ok me too... love you mum!!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

In the shop...

I have a few new covers that will be making their way into the shop. I have been playing with my graphics on the covers and this is the first one I can show you (you'll be seeing the other one soon...) My mum has been wanting me to use more of my graphic work on fabric so I am finally getting around to it!

Robert Kaufman lemon print on the inside. Love his fabric.
We are having a blast around here I have more to post about but haven't gotten any pictures yet.

Well I better get back to work we are having a stay at home in our pajamas and sew day.

Hope your having as much fun as us!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Amanda was totally up for some crafting while she was here so I taught her how to do freezer paper stenciling and we even got her all set up so she can continue when she gets back to her dorm!
We picked up some plain T's on Friday and she got busy with some sparrow designs.
How cute is that?

Next she went for a peacock! Which she was a little intimidated by but I think she did a marvelous job! What do you think?

I love the butt feathers!!!

I can't wait to see what she does with her new skills!!

While she was busy with her exact-o knife I made her a logo from some of her drawings. I have decided that everyone needs a logo!
Saturday we got the tree up and decorated. The house is decidedly more festive! I love Christmas lights!
I haven't added much to the tree since last year but I did manage to make up some garland. Its from the shell lamp I took apart last year to make my crystal lamp. I couldn't see throwing all the shells out so I kept them in a bag and finally realized they would be great for garland on the tree. They are perfect... now I just need more shells!
Oh and for a black Friday deal... Amanda got some wonderful deals but this is all I came home with (well for me anyway)!!
They're from Urban Outfitters .... you just can't resist this kind of awesomeness on sale! These suckers are HEAVY and around 3 inches tall. I just with they had done them in realistic colors.

Alright well I am off. Fair warning I may possibly disapear for a while again!