Thursday, November 27, 2008

Moleskin Love and Happy Thanksgiving

We are crazy busy over here but I just wanted to drop in to say hi and show you some more stuff. Hope you are all having an awesome day with your families!

I LOVE these little notebooks. My Grandma sent me one a few years ago for Christmas and I carry it everywhere with me to doodle ideas into. I decided to go pick some more up and found these fun smaller ones. Perfect! I think everyone needs one of these! I personalized one for each of the early christmas present recipents... I am not a painter at all! But I really enjoyed making these...

for my aunt:

my cousin (went more anthropologie looking for her) :

Ubers mom:

for Grandma:
I still haven't gotten around to doing my own... funny how that works! Mine is going to hold a quick reference for all our favorite recipes ingredients because I HATE to plan and Uber alway picks the more complicated meals when we are in the middle of the store trying to shop for the weeks food. I hate getting home and finding out I forgot the one important ingredient...

Alright I am off. I have one more post on the early xmas gifts coming up!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pillow Love

I can finally show you what I have been working!! It has been SO hard to not show you all!

They're early Christmas presents since I am seeing everyone for Thanksgiving. Of course I wanted to see people open their gifts so I made them open them early!

This is a design I am absolutely THRILLED about! I love love LOVE IT! I had to come up with something new and extra special because my aunt already has two of my pillowcases. It took me a while to figure it out and get it all drawn up but I think it turned out well! I am tempted to list everything I love about the design but it would be ridiculous because it would be everything....all right--- but the EGGS... and the BIRDS...FLYING!!!

Cardinals for the Grandma (by request) I am really enjoying the flying birds! Can you tell? It's a new theme... I love doing cardinals and blue jays... their head and chest feathers are scrumptious! Hopefully it is the perfect blue ribbon!

For my cousin I went with a butterfly (since she is apparently VERY fond of them) This one took me a while to put together ... and to keep symetrical!!! But I am thrilled with it. Though it will probably be the only one ... ever... hahaha

Ubers mom loves hummingbirds. I had alot of fun with this one I love the feeder and the tiny bird sitting on the branch he looks like he is hiding!

See I have been productive!! There is more to show you - check back later! I am having a great time on the trip.
And just to let you in on a little fun going on somewhere else. My Mum just had her 100th post and she is giving away something TOTALLY adorable - Check it out!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

And we are off...

...well we are off tomorrow to visit with our West Coast family for the week. I am very excited! I will be around here though too...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Bag Lady

I am slightly addicted to making bags... I had scraps to use up and found a fun tutorial. I didn't exactly follow the directions .... I wanted a bigger bag, I wanted it to be lined, and I thought HEY lets make it out of two fabrics... HA... well it worked... except I should of done my math instead of winging it... it turned out taller then I wanted it to and because of that also shorter (yes I know it would have been easy math to do) and I didn't get the sides matched up ... and all I have to say to that is WHAT EVER because it still turned out REALLY well!
This is the outside:

This is the inside:
I did french seams on the inside so no nasty stringy things. I had read a tutorial a few weeks back and thought hey why not try it out... if you haven't dont it I would totally suggest trying it. It was totally easy and very satisfying!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

52 hour work week = no blogging

I have been SO ridiculously bust it's not even funny! Some how I am still managing to get my crafting done but since you can't see any of it quite yet I am going to show you something old.

I helped host a shower back in May and the Mom-to-be requested that I do the invites she wanted a brown and pink shower so of course I obliged... I like to not use envelopes if I dont have to.

This is it open
Now for the gift.... This is about the time I started experimenting with stenciling so I did up some Gerber onesies (organic and SO soft!) and added blanket stitching along the neck line.

Also made some bibs. Which I wasn't incredibly happy with...

And then I needed to wrap it so I embroidered a organizer (purchased at Michaels). The babies room was going to be a butterfly theme so I made up this pattern.

this was my first time embroidering (since I was probably 10) and I had no idea of the time that this would take. I think I spent two weeks straight on it, probably about 50ish hours...

New stuff is coming....

Friday, November 7, 2008


I cut my hair off... YEAH! I like it!! I think she took about 5 inches off the bottom... I should of done a before picture but ...well... it was BAD!!! I am feeling much better now!

Here is Uber's project I am lame at the before pictures... I am sure I have one ...somewhere... anyway the light up there was all the was in our garage... yuck!

Now it looks like this... isn't that better!!

Please disregard all back grounds of the photos and focus on only what I am talking about... thank you!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sorry I was napping...

I seem to be getting pretty good at the absence thing… my bad. I am actually really busy I just still cant show you anything. Isn't that frustrating? I hate reading that on other peoples blogs I always think well then why even talk about it! Well I guess it is because we want you to know we aren't sitting around letting our fingers get fat. I really WANT to show you this stuff though… which is making it all very hard.

Alright so anyway I did complete a pillow this weekend out of some tapestry fabric- I love this stuff. It's ridiculously priced for being from Joanns ($40/yard) so I only get it when I see a remnant… It's really not much just a comfortable throw pillow. I made it to fit a standard pillowcase because all the lumbar pillows are such retarded sizes and I didn't want to waste any of the fabric. I would just like to say that putting the zipper in was a royal pain in the butt…I am wishing the pillow was thicker the weight of the fabric seems to of squished it…(it seemed very poofy when I bought it!!!) I may have to buy a different one… This is the matching throw as well I did this sometime last year. Its just a 2 yard piece of the fabric and I added a border of micro-suede. I love that it is thin fabric but very heavy. perfect for a nap on the couch!
Whoa to the lateness that I am showing you here. I meant to post this ... well on the 31st. I made a bunch of these goody bags for Ubers coworkers. I cant wait until next year though because I found some really neat cookie cutters on sale at williams-sonoma that I cant wait to use... now I just have to remember I have them in a year!!

I will try to be here more often this week. Matt is not back in school : ( his class got canceled (GRRR) anyway he is currently in the garage ripping apart the ceiling to put in better lighting. This is a project of his own doing (I didn't assign it) and I think he is planning on getting it all nice for me! I will have to try to remember to take a kinda before picture... since he has already sawed into the ceiling!! I am so bad at getting those. Anyway I continue to be amazed by our builders ingenuity with wiring the house....
Moving on... I am so glad the election is basically over... though I really have nothing more to say about it all then that.
Alright I am off to bed...